Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses of Instruction

Course descriptions are listed alphabetically by subject prefix. Each course description begins with a subject prefix followed by a three-digit course number and the course title. If a course includes laboratory or other special activities, that information is contained in the course description. Prerequisites and co-requisites are also listed. A prerequisite is a course, experience, or other required preparation that must be completed before the student will be permitted to enroll in the course. A co-requisite is a course, experience, or other preparation that must be completed at the same time that the student is enrolled in the listed course.

Please note, when searching courses by “Code or Number”, an asterisk (*) can be used to return mass results. For instance, a “Code or Number” search of ” 1* ” can be entered, returning all 100-level courses.



  • SOC 490 - Independent Study in Sociology

    3 credit hours
    May be repeated for a maximum of six credit hours. Consent of instructor required.
  • SOC 495 - Internship in Sociology

    1-6 credit hours
    The sociology internship is designed to provide students with experience in a professional setting related to sociology. Students will have the opportunity to apply concepts learned in the classroom while developing professional networks, knowledge, and skills. Restricted to Sociology majors with at least 60 earned hours (junior standing). Permission of instructor also required. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101  (or 102 ).
  • SOC 499 - Sociology Capstone

    3 credit hours
    A culminating, reflective experience in which students integrate learning from prior courses, demonstrate the ability to apply disciplinary tools, hone professional identities and skills, and begin transition to post-graduate life. Depending upon the instructor, course requirements may include some or all of the following:  Completion of a research project or other product that demonstrates knowledge and application of the discipline’s core perspectives, theories, and strategies; application of disciplinary knowledge in problem-solving activities, reflective participation in community activities or events; and/or generation of a professional portfolio or other product appropriate to the student’s post-graduation goals.  Prerequisite(s): SOC 101  (or 102 ), 240 324 , and 9 additional credit hours of sociology electives. Prerequisite(s) with concurrency allowed: SWK 355  or POS 370 , and SOC 480 .


  • SPN 101 - Introductory Spanish I

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Emphasis on the development of basic communication skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, through grammatical and verbal drills, systematic vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and conversation.
  • SPN 102 - Introductory Spanish II

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Continued emphasis on the development of basic communication skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, through grammatical and verbal drills, systematic vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and conversation. Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in SPN 101  or equivalent or placement by departmental exam.
  • SPN 103 - Honors Introductory Spanish I

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Emphasis on the development of basic communication skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking, through grammatical and verbal drills, systematic vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and conversation. Students may not earn credit for both SPN 101  and SPN 103. Enrollment in the UM Honors Program required.
  • SPN 104 - Honors Introductory Spanish II

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Continued emphasis on the development of basic communication skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking, through grammatical and verbal drills, systematic vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and conversation. Students may not earn credit for both SPN 104 and SPN 102 . Enrollment in the UM Honors Program required. Prerequisite(s): SPN 103  or equivalent or placement by departmental exam.
  • SPN 150 - Accelerated Introductory Spanish

    6 credit hours
    General Education Course
    This course covers the material for SPN 101  and SPN 102  in one semester. Emphasis on the development of basic communication skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, through grammatical and verbal drills, systematic vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and conversation. A minimum of one year of high school Spanish is required to take this course. This course is not intended for true beginners of a language. Students who earn credit for SPN 150 may not also earn credit for either SPN 101  (or 103 ) or SPN 102  (or 104 ).
  • SPN 201 - Intermediate Spanish I

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Continued emphasis on the development of basic communication skills, stressing vocabulary, the idiom, and grammar, along with composition and conversation. Readings and discussion explore cross cultural values. Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in SPN 102  or SPN 150  or equivalent or placement by departmental exam.
  • SPN 202 - Intermediate Spanish II

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Continuation of SPN 201 . Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in SPN 201  or equivalent or placement by departmental exam.
  • SPN 250 - Accelerated Intermediate Spanish

    6 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Continued emphasis on the development of basic communication skills, stressing vocabulary, the idiom, and grammar, along with composition and conversation. Readings and discussion explore cross-cultural values. Students who earn credit for SPN 250 may not also earn credit for either SPN 201  or 202 . Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in SPN 102  or 150  or equivalent or placement by departmental exam.
  • SPN 300 - Directed Independent Study

    1-3 credit hours
    Investigation of assigned subjects, supervised reading, and independent study at the advanced intermediate level. May be repeated for credit if topic is different. Consent of instructor and chair required.
  • SPN 301 - Spanish Conversation

    3 credit hours
    Emphasis on development of speaking fluency. Oral practice highly emphasized. Occasional written exercises. Prerequisite(s): SPN 202  or 250  or placement test scores (or consent of instructor).
  • SPN 302 - Grammar and Composition

    3 credit hours
    Emphasis on development of technical command of Spanish through grammar review, vocabulary amplification, and writing exercises. Prerequisite(s): SPN 202  or 250  or placement test scores (or consent of instructor).
  • SPN 303 - Phonetics and Phonology

    3 credit hours
    Studies in the phonetics and phonology of Spanish. Emphasis on pronunciation of contemporary Spanish. At the instructor’s discretion, this course may involve studies in linguistic analysis and transcription. Prerequisite(s): SPN 202  or 250  or placement test scores (or consent of instructor).
  • SPN 310 - Business Spanish

    3 credit hours
    In this course students will study a variety of texts and exercises related to business Spanish. Emphasis on understanding commercial vocabulary and comprehending authentic texts, as well as the creation of dialogues and oral presentations. Study of aspects of other areas of professional Spanish (social work, law) may be included. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , (or consent of instructor).
  • SPN 320 - Latin American Literature in Translation

    3 credit hours
    Studies in Latin-American literature. Topics may include chronicles of conquest, Sor Juana, magical realism, the “boom”, and studies in national literatures (Mexico, Cuba, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, etc.) This course may include the study of basic literary theory. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , (or consent of instructor).
  • SPN 321 - Spanish Literature in Translation

    3 credit hours
    Studies in Spanish literature. Topics may include Golden Age drama, Cervantes, the picaresque, Garcia Lorca, and contemporary narrative. This course may include the study of basic literary theory. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , (or consent of instructor).
  • SPN 330 - Introduction to Hispanic Literature

    3 credit hours
    This course introduces students to the literary genres and historical panorama of Hispanic literature. Emphasis on the acquisition of reading skills and analytical tools in drama, poetry, narrative, and essay. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , (or consent of instructor).
  • SPN 331 - Survey of Spanish Literature

    3 credit hours
    This course introduces students to the literary genres and historical panorama of Spanish literature. Emphasis on the acquisition of reading skills and analytical tools in drama, poetry, narrative, and essay. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , (or consent of instructor).
  • SPN 332 - Survey of Latin-American Literature

    3 credit hours
    This course introduces students to the literary genres and historical panorama of Latin-American literature. Emphasis on the acquisition of reading skills and analytical tools in drama, poetry, narrative, and essay. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , (or consent of instructor).
  • SPN 341 - Peninsular Culture and Civilization

    3 credit hours
    This course introduces students to the main historical events, social movements, artistic currents, and philosophical vogues from the beginning of Spanish civilization to the present. The cultural history of Spain will be considered within a national and international context. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301  or 302  (or consent of instructor).
  • SPN 342 - Latin-American Culture and Civilization

    3 credit hours
    This course introduces students to the main historical events, social movements, artistic currents, and philosophical vogues from pre-Columbian civilizations to the present. The cultural history of Latin America will be considered within a national and international context. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , (or consent of instructor).
  • SPN 343 - U.S. Latino Culture and Civilization

    3 credit hours
    This course introduces students to the main historical events, social movements, artistic currents, and philosophical vogues from the beginnings of U.S. Latino culture to the present. The cultural history of U.S. Latino culture will be considered within a national and international context. Some attention may be given to the rise and development of Latino communities in Alabama. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , (or consent of instructor).
  • SPN 344 - Hispanic Cultural Studies and Film

    3 credit hours
    Study of several films within the context of cultural themes such as gender roles, representations of race, depictions of class, and nation-building. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , (or consent of instructor).
  • SPN 345 - The Hispanic World Today

    3 credit hours
    A social, political, and economic survey of the present situation and trends of all Spanish-speaking countries, highlighting similarities and differences. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , (or consent of instructor).
  • SPN 370 - Special Topics

    3 credit hours
    Investigation of selected topics or themes drawn from culture, history, literature, or the arts. Can be repeated twice for credit if content is different. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , (or consent of instructor).
  • SPN 395 - Study Abroad

    6 credit hours
    Immersion in the Spanish language to perfect linguistic and cultural skills. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , (or consent of instructor).
  • SPN 400 - Directed Independent Study

    1-3 credit hours
    Investigation of assigned subjects, supervised reading, and independent study at the advanced level. Consent of instructor and chair required. Prerequisite(s): At least two classes numbered at SPN 330  or above.
  • SPN 405 - History of the Spanish Language

    3 credit hours
    Study of the history of the Spanish language (syntax, morphology, lexicon, etc.), with an emphasis on the rise and development of Castilian, and its diffusion and transformations beyond the Iberian Peninsula. Prerequisite(s): At least two classes numbered at SPN 330  or above.
  • SPN 410 - Spanish for the Professions

    3 credit hours
    Study in Spanish of the terminology and representative texts related to one or more professions (health, law, social work, etc.). Prerequisite(s): At least two classes numbered at SPN 330  or above.
  • SPN 430 - Spanish Medieval and Golden-Age Literature

    3 credit hours
    Studies in Spanish literature from the beginnings through the 17th century. At the instructor’s discretion, this course may involve a survey of major authors and texts, or may explore a special topic (Imperialism, mysticism, conquest). Prerequisite(s): At least two classes numbered at SPN 330  or above.
  • SPN 431 - Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature

    3 credit hours
    Studies in Spanish literature from 1701 through the 21st century. At the instructor’s discretion, this course may involve a survey of major authors and texts, or may explore a special topic (Francisco Franco, women and culture, and guerras carlistas). Prerequisite(s): At least two classes numbered at SPN 330  or above.
  • SPN 440 - Colonial Spanish Literature

    3 credit hours
    Studies in Latin American literature from pre- Columbian times to the Wars of Independence. At the instructor’s discretion, this course may involve a survey of major authors and texts, or may explore a special topic (the self and the other, Indigenous cultures). Prerequisite(s): At least two classes numbered at SPN 330  or above.
  • SPN 441 - Modern and Contemporary Latin-American Literature

    3 credit hours
    Studies in Latin-American literature from the Wars of Independence through the 21st century. At the instructor’s discretion, this course may involve a survey of major authors and texts, or may explore a special topic (nation-building, dictatorship, perceptions of the U.S.A.). Prerequisite(s): At least two classes numbered at SPN 330  or above.
  • SPN 442 - U.S. Latino Literature

    3 credit hours
    Studies in U.S. Latino literature from the beginnings through the 21st century. At the author’s discretion, this course may involve a survey of major authors and texts, or may explore a special topic (borderlands, city life, the American Dream). Prerequisite(s): At least two classes numbered at SPN 330  or above.
  • SPN 450 - Cervantes

    3 credit hours
    Study of one or more works by Miguel de Cervantes, including Don Quixote and the Novelas ejemplares. May be offered in Spanish or English. Prerequisite(s): At least two classes numbered at SPN 330  or above.
  • SPN 451 - Studies in Drama

    3 credit hours
    Study of the formal and generic features of drama. May emphasize the development of dramatic form and content, a group of writers (Lope de Vega and his circle), a period of culture (Colonial), or a subgenre (esperpento). Prerequisite(s): At least two classes numbered at SPN 330  or above.
  • SPN 452 - Studies in Poetry

    3 credit hours
    Study of the forms and conventions of poetry. May emphasize a poetic kind (the ballad, the sonnet), a group of writers (the Generation of 1927), a period or culture (Golden Age poetry), or a recurrent theme (exile). Prerequisite(s): At least two classes numbered at SPN 330  or above.
  • SPN 453 - Studies in Prose

    3 credit hours
    Study of the formal and generic features of the novel, novella, essay, testimonio, and other prose forms. May emphasize the origins and development of a particular prose genre, a group of writers (Generation of 98), a period or culture (contemporary Spanish short story), or a sub-genre or kind (the picaresque or family romance). Prerequisite(s): At least two classes numbered at SPN 330  or above.
  • SPN 460 - Culture and Civilization of the Hispanic World

    3 credit hours
    Studies of selected topics about the society, history and culture of Spain and Latin America. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302  or 303 , or consent of instructor, and at least two classes numbered at SPN 330  or above. 
  • SPN 470 - Special Topics

    3 credit hours
    Advanced investigation of selected topics or themes drawn from culture, history, literature, or the arts. Can be repeated twice for credit if content is different. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , (or consent of instructor), and at least two classes numbered at SPN 330  or above.

Special Education

  • SPED 375 - Auditory Education and Strategies for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students

    3 credit hours
    The student will gain the knowledge and skill necessary to organize and manage an auditory education program for children with hearing loss ages birth to adolescence and their families, with emphasis on the development of listening skills through the use of current technology including cochlear implants, digital hearing aids, etc.
  • SPED 378 - Expressive Communication Strategies for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students

    3 credit hours
    The student will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to develop and implement an oral/aural communication intervention program for children with hearing loss ages birth to adolescence and their families, with emphasis on the development of spoken language through the use of current technology including cochlear implants, digital hearing aids, etc. Prerequisite(s): SPED 375 .
  • SPED 407 - Exceptional Learners in P-12 and Secondary Classroom

    3 credit hours
    Skills related to identification of exceptional learners at the P-12 and secondary levels and their needs related to an inclusive setting. Analyzing the learner according to the exceptionality, environment, and family relationships.
  • SPED 415 - Instructional Methods in the Inclusive Classroom

    3 credit hours
    Designed to prepare teachers to educate students in inclusive classrooms through the introduction of academic, behavioral, and social instructional methods. Appropriate laboratory experiences provided. This course has been designated by the UM Service Learning and Community Engagement Committee as a service-learning course. This means that your professor has deliberately interwoven a service experience into your course to meet academic objectives. Restricted to majors in Elementary Education or Elementary/Collaborative Education. Admission to the Teacher Education Program required. Prerequisite(s): ED 401 , ED 481 , EDF 330 , EDF 375 , SPED 407  and EXNS 480 . Co-requisite(s): ED 410 , ED 447 , ED 465 , and EDF 461 . (Cross-listed with SPED 515).
  • SPED 416 - Behavior Management in the Classroom

    3 credit hours
    Provides skills to manage the behavior of students with disabilities, including behavioral assessment, appropriate intervention strategies, and evaluation of intervention effectiveness. Admission to the Teacher Education Program required. Prerequisite(s): SPED 407 .
  • SPED 440 - Practicum in Special Education

    3 credit hours
    While placed in self-contained and resource classrooms, students will administer individualized assessments, develop individualized educational programs, modify lesson plans, and consult with parents and professionals. Admission to the Teacher Education Program required. Prerequisite(s): SPED 407 
  • SPED 462 - Assessment in Special Education

    3 credit hours
    The purpose of this course is to prepare pre-service special-education teachers to administer, score, and interpret assessment information for the purpose of educational planning. Admission to the Teacher Education Program required. Prerequisite(s): SPED 407 .


  • THEA 101 - Freshman Applied Theatre I

    1 credit hour
    Introduction to practicum production opportunities designed for first-semester theatre majors. Students will be assigned to different production areas by faculty supervisors in support of the theatre season. Consent of instructor required.
  • THEA 102 - Voice Lessons

    1 credit hour
    Singing vocal instruction on an individual basis. Audition required.
  • THEA 120 - Introduction to Theatre

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Survey of drama and the art and craft of theatre practice. A student may not have credit for both THEA 120 and 122.
  • THEA 121 - Acting for Non-Majors

    3 credit hours
    An introduction to the craft of the actor. Open to non-theatre majors only. Limited enrollment.
  • THEA 122 - Honors Introduction to Theatre

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Students will explore and analyze the various components of the collaborative theatrical process. More specifically, they will develop skills in discussing and interpreting the “language of theatre,” which involves a variety of symbol systems including verbal text, visual imagery, color, line, lighting, etc. In addition, students will gain a deeper understanding of the human experience and human behavior by exploring how theatre is created within a larger cultural and social context. Students must be enrolled in the Honors Program to register for this course. A student may not have credit for both THEA 120 and 122.
  • THEA 201 - Freshman Applied Theatre II

    1 credit hour
    Further exploration of practicum production opportunities designed for beginning theatre majors. Students will be assigned to one major production area by faculty supervisors in support of the theatre season. Prerequisite(s): THEA 101  and consent of instructor.
  • THEA 212 - Musicianship for Actors/Singers

    3 credit hours
    Skill development in basic piano and musical sightreading for singer/actors. Consent of instructor required.
  • THEA 213 - Acting I

    3 credit hours
    Introduction to acting techniques and characterization methods, with an emphasis on stage movement and vocal work in application to limited text. Consent of instructor required.
  • THEA 214 - Musicianship for Actors/Singers II

    3 credit hours
    Musicianship for Actors/Singers II is designed for musical theatre majors to explore and learn intermediate music theory skills, and increase their ability to play a piano for preparatory and rehearsal purposes. This course is designed to build on the techniques taught and explored in Musicianship for Actors/Singers I.  Department Approval. Prerequisite(s): THEA 212 .
  • THEA 215 - Dance

    3 credit hours
    This course will train students in a variety of dance styles and can be repeated every semester. Consent of instructor required.
  • THEA 217 - Costume Construction

    3 credit hours
    Application of construction methods and techniques in the creation of stageworthy costumes. Consent of instructor required.
  • THEA 231 - Ballet I

    3 credit hours
    This course is designed for theater students as an introduction to the movement and technique of classical ballet. It is a beginning course and will include conditioning exercises as well as basic ballet technique. Students will also be introduced to dance history via lecture and handouts. Awareness, understanding and application of classical ballet movement will help the student’s dance ability in the auditioning process and in musical theatre. May be repeated for a total of 6 credit hours. Department Approval.
  • THEA 232 - TAP I

    3 credit hours
    Tap I is a course designed as a study of the elements of Tap dance defined by traditional Tap technique. It assumes the student has a true desire to learn the basics of Tap technique.  Focus will be on the development of tap technique skills, spatial awareness, physical dynamics, Vocabulary expansion, and personal knowledge of the art. Attention will also be given to the development of performance quality and artistry.  Advancement in tap dance technique will assist the student in dance auditions and in musical theatre. Repeatable up to six credit hours.
  • THEA 233 - Jazz I

    3 credit hours
    Jazz I is designed for theatre students as an introduction to the fundamentals of jazz technique. It is a progressive beginning-level course that will include technique as well as basic strengthening exercises. Students will also be introduced to the history of Jazz in musical theatre.  May be repeated for total of 6 credit hours. Department Approval.
  • THEA 250 - Stagecraft I

    3 credit hours
    Principles, techniques, and materials used in scenic construction and painting. Consent of instructor required.
  • THEA 270 - Directing I

    3 credit hours
    Principles and practice of directing for the stage, including play analysis, pre-production, casting, problem solving, and rehearsal techniques. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): THEA 213 .
  • THEA 300 - Play Analysis, Theory and Criticism

    3 credit hours
    Analyzing and researching a play text for production. Consent of instructor required.
  • THEA 301 - Applied Theatre-Makeup

    1 credit hour
    Practicum opportunities within a specific area of theatrical production. Assignments allow the students to go beyond previous class work and must be arranged individually with a theatre faculty member in the area of interest. A student may receive 6 credit hours in Applied Theatre. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): Introductory-level course in the appropriate area, THEA 101  and 201 .
  • THEA 302 - Applied Theatre-Lighting

    1 credit hour
    Practicum opportunities within a specific area of theatrical production. Assignments allow the students to go beyond previous class work and must be arranged individually with a theatre faculty member in the area of interest. A student may receive 6 credit hours in Applied Theatre. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): Introductory-level course in the appropriate area, THEA 101  and 201 .
  • THEA 303 - Applied Theatre-Costumes

    1 credit hour
    Practicum opportunities within a specific area of theatrical production. Assignments allow the students to go beyond previous class work and must be arranged individually with a theatre faculty member in the area of interest. A student may receive 6 credit hours in Applied Theatre. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): Introductory-level course in the appropriate area, THEA 101  and 201 .
  • THEA 304 - Applied Theatre-Management

    1 credit hour
    Practicum opportunities within a specific area of theatrical production. Assignments allow the students to go beyond previous class work and must be arranged individually with a theatre faculty member in the area of interest. A student may receive 6 credit hours in Applied Theatre. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): Introductory-level course in the appropriate area, THEA 101  and 201 .
  • THEA 305 - Applied Theatre-Acting

    1 credit hour
    Practicum opportunities within a specific area of theatrical production. Assignments allow the students to go beyond previous class work and must be arranged individually with a theatre faculty member in the area of interest. A student may receive 6 credit hours in Applied Theatre. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): Introductory-level course in the appropriate area, THEA 101  and 201 .
  • THEA 306 - Applied Theatre-Stage Management

    1 credit hour
    Practicum opportunities within a specific area of theatrical production. Assignments allow the students to go beyond previous class work and must be arranged individually with a theatre faculty member in the area of interest. A student may receive 6 credit hours in Applied Theatre. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): Introductory-level course in the appropriate area, THEA 101  and 201 .
  • THEA 307 - Applied Theatre-Scenery

    1 credit hour
    Practicum opportunities within a specific area of theatrical production. Assignments allow the students to go beyond previous class work and must be arranged individually with a theatre faculty member in the area of interest. A student may receive 6 credit hours in Applied Theatre. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): Introductory-level course in the appropriate area, THEA 101  and 201 .
  • THEA 308 - Applied Theatre-Directing

    1 credit hour
    Practicum opportunities within a specific area of theatrical production. Assignments allow the students to go beyond previous class work and must be arranged individually with a theatre faculty member in the area of interest. A student may receive 6 credit hours in Applied Theatre. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): Introductory-level course in the appropriate area, THEA 101  and 201 .
  • THEA 309 - Applied Theatre-Sound

    1 credit hour
    Practicum opportunities within a specific area of theatrical production. Assignments allow the students to go beyond previous class work and must be arranged individually with a theatre faculty member in the area of interest. A student may receive 6 credit hours in Applied Theatre. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): Introductory-level course in the appropriate area, THEA 101  and 201 .
  • THEA 310 - Applied Theatre-Props

    1 credit hour
    Practicum opportunities within a specific area of theatrical production. Assignments allow the students to go beyond previous class work and must be arranged individually with a theatre faculty member in the area of interest. A student may receive 6 credit hours in Applied Theatre. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): Introductory-level course in the appropriate area, THEA 101  and 201 .
  • THEA 312 - Audition Techniques

    3 credit hours
    This course prepares the student for the competitive audition process. Emphasis on selection of materials, preparation and text analysis, appropriate preaudition, audition and post-audition behavior, and safe practices. Prerequisite(s): THEA 213 .
  • THEA 313 - Acting II

    3 credit hours
    Continuation of the principles explored in Acting I, with a greater emphasis on scene work, text, and character development. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): THEA 213 .
  • THEA 314 - Fundamentals of Theatre Design

    3 credit hours
    Introduction to design elements and principles as used in Theatre and Performance design. Prerequisite(s): THEA 120  (or 122 ), and THEA 250 .
  • THEA 315 - Acting Workshop

    3 credit hours
    Students will explore selected plays with the faculty instructor and Directing II students. Consent of instructor required.
  • THEA 318 - Costume Design I

    3 credit hours
    Introduction to the process of rendering costumes for period and contemporary plays. Consent of instructor required.
  • THEA 330 - Stage Management I

    3 credit hours
    This course is designed to give students an overview of the daily job of a stage manager.  We will explore the production process of the stage manager from beginning to end.  Students will participate in a variety of practical exercises in order to acquire skills and tricks used in stage management.  In lieu of a traditional text, instructor will provide copies of work samples, articles, and other materials to students.  We will use The 39 Steps as our workshop play for the semester. Prerequisite(s): THEA 120 , THEA 250  and THEA 314 .
  • THEA 331 - Ballet II

    3 credit hours
    Ballet II is designed as an intermediate study of Ballet dance technique. It assumes the student is competent in basic barre and some center exercises. Students will study the history of Ballet dance and focus on further toning and refinement of barre work supporting the progression of technique for more complex center combinations.  This course is designed to build on the technique which is presented and explored in Ballet I.   May be repeated up to 6 credit hours. Department approval. Prerequisite(s): THEA 231 .
  • THEA 332 - Tap II

    3 credit hours
    Tap II is designed as an intermediate study of the elements of traditional Tap Dance technique. Focus will be on the development of tap technique skills, spatial awareness, physical dynamics, Vocabulary expansion, and personal knowledge of the art, helping students perform in dance auditions and in musical theatre. This course is designed to build on the technique which is presented and explored in Tap I. May be repeated up to 6 credit hours. Department approval.  Prerequisite(s): THEA 232 .
  • THEA 333 - Jazz II

    3 credit hours
    This course is designed as an intermediate study of jazz dance technique. Students will study the history of jazz dance in musical theater and learn practical jazz techniques needed in contemporary musical theater. This course is designed to build on the techniques which are presented and explored in JAZZ I.  Department approval. Prerequisite(s): THEA 233 .
  • THEA 334 - Dance Styles

    3 credit hours
    Dance styles is a special topics course that covers varying dance styles actors may encounter when working on plays or musicals. (i.e. hip hop, ball room, etc) may be repeated up to 6 credit hours. Permission of instructor.
  • THEA 340 - Voice I

    3 credit hours
    A study of the vocal mechanism with techniques taught in specific training approaches such as Linklater, Lessac, etc., which will improve projection, breath control, and articulation through awareness of personal obstacles. Prerequisite(s): THEA 213 .
  • THEA 350 - Stagecraft II

    3 credit hours
    Continuation of Stagecraft I, with emphasis on rigging, welding, and advanced construction and painting techniques. Prerequisite(s): THEA 250  (or consent of instructor).
  • THEA 355 - Stage Lighting and Design

    3 credit hours
    Introduction to the principles, equipment, and techniques of stage lighting with one-third of the class devoted to designing lights for the stage. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): THEA 120  (or 122 ), and 250 .
  • THEA 360 - Scene Design I

    3 credit hours
    Introduction to the elements of scene design for contemporary and period plays. Prerequisite(s): THEA 120  (or 122 ), and 250  (or consent of instructor).
  • THEA 361 - Musical-Theatre Styles I

    3 credit hours
    Introduction to musical-theatre performance techniques, including song interpretation, auditioning, and staging songs in context of scenes from American musical plays. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): THEA 340 .
  • THEA 370 - Directing II

    3 credit hours
    To develop further hands-on directing skills beyond the introductory level. This course will emphasize interaction with actors in the directing process, which will result in the performance of scenes. The course will go beyond the two-person scenes, and will include material that allows the student to: engage a variety of styles and forms, clearly interpret and visually conceptualize a text, increase their ability to communicate with and coach actors effectively, begin to develop a constructive rapport and open lines of communication with designers and technicians, and define an individual directorial voice and style. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): THEA 270 .
  • THEA 371 - Playwriting I

    3 credit hours
    Study of dramaturgy to enlarge the new dramatist’s understanding of factors involved in play construction. Includes discussion, directed readings, and practice writing. Consent of instructor required.
  • THEA 380 - Stage Movement I

    3 credit hours
    Basic principles of movement for the stage, including beginning stage combat. Prerequisite(s): THEA 213 .
  • THEA 382 - Mask Work

    3 credit hours
    Students will explore character and ensemble through the use of neutral and character mask. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): THEA 380 .
  • THEA 390 - Stage Makeup

    3 credit hours
    Principles and practice of stage makeup. Consent of instructor required.
  • THEA 400 - Stage Combat

    3 credit hours
    A study of techniques for unarmed combat for the stage; the basics of slaps, punches, falls, throws, and rolls. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): THEA 380 .
  • THEA 401 - Acting for the Camera

    3 credit hours
    Auditioning and performing on camera with a variety of material. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): THEA 213 .
  • THEA 404 - Theatre and Arts Management

    3 credit hours
    Economics and practices of theatre and performing arts management, including audience analysis and market surveys. Consent of instructor required.
  • THEA 409 - Period Play Production

    3 credit hours
    Dramatic styles, with an emphasis on production techniques of the major periods of theatre history, including period furniture and architecture. Consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): THEA 250 .

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