Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses of Instruction

Course descriptions are listed alphabetically by subject prefix. Each course description begins with a subject prefix followed by a three-digit course number and the course title. If a course includes laboratory or other special activities, that information is contained in the course description. Prerequisites and co-requisites are also listed. A prerequisite is a course, experience, or other required preparation that must be completed before the student will be permitted to enroll in the course. A co-requisite is a course, experience, or other preparation that must be completed at the same time that the student is enrolled in the listed course.

Please note, when searching courses by “Code or Number”, an asterisk (*) can be used to return mass results. For instance, a “Code or Number” search of ” 1* ” can be entered, returning all 100-level courses.


Communication Science and Disorders

  • CSD 385 - Multicultural Issues

    1-3 credit hours
    Investigation of impact of cultural diversity upon human development, education, communication skills, family functioning, and social problems across the life span. Sensitivity to the varying needs of ethnic groups and the disabled is stressed. Review of interpersonal skills needed to relate to persons from diverse cultures is included.
  • CSD 393 - Language Disorders: Assessment and Intervention

    3 credit hours
    Analysis of assessment and intervention procedures used in treatment of language disorders. Restricted to CSD majors. Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in CSD 101 , 253 , and 291 .
  • CSD 394 - Articulation and Phonological Development: Assessment and Intervention

    3 credit hours
    Theories of articulation and phonological development. Sequence of normal articulation and phonological development. Analysis of assessment and intervention process and strategies. Restricted to CSD majors. Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in CSD 101 , 253 , and 291 .
  • CSD 401 - Introduction to Clinical and Educational Interventions for Autism

    3 credit hours
    Students will be introduced to the characteristics associated with autism and exposed to diagnostic requirements. Learners will describe challenges faced by individuals with autism, identify evidence-based interventions, and design accommodations and modifications appropriate for this population. Learners will develop lesson plans or treatment materials.
  • CSD 411 - Introduction to Audiology

    3 credit hours
    This course will expose students to the basics of hearing science, the nature of hearing loss, and the key techniques and underlying principles of hearing assessment. Restricted to CSD majors. Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in CSD 101 , 253 , and 291 .
  • CSD 463 - Clinical Observation

    1 credit hour
    Provide the student with an experience observing speech-language pathology services in a video lab, supervised by clinical supervisors. Restricted to CSD majors. Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in CSD 393  and 394 .
  • CSD 464 - Senior Seminar

    3 credit hours
    This capstone course will involve a variety of learning activities designed to facilitate the transition into clinical activities required in graduate studies. Restricted to CSD majors. Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in CSD 393  and 394 .
  • CSD 471 - Aural Rehabilitation

    3 credit hours
    This course will expose students to the implications of hearing loss and the key techniques and underlying principles of auditory (re)habilitation. Restricted to CSD majors. Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in CSD 411 , (or consent of instructor).
  • CSD 473 - Introduction to Medical Speech-Language Pathology

    3 credit hours
    This required course will focus on the various neurogenic communication disorders assessed and treated by a speech-language pathologist in the medical setting. Various disorders will be presented with assessment and treatment techniques briefly discussed to introduce the student learner to adult communication disorders. Examples of disorders will be discussed including: aphasia, traumatic brain injury, various types of dementia, and various types of motor-speech disorders. Restricted to CSD majors. Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in CSD 380 .
  • CSD 475 - Speech Science

    3 credit hours
    Comprehensive study of the physiological and acoustical aspects of speech production. Restricted to CSD majors. Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in CSD 380 , (or consent of instructor).
  • CSD 481 - Clinical Policies and Procedures

    3 credit hours
    A study of clinical procedures, techniques, and skills necessary for clinic practice in speech-language pathology. Restricted to CSD majors. Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in CSD 393  and 394 .
  • CSD 495 - Introduction to Voice and Fluency Disorders

    3 credit hours
    An introduction to the study of normal voice production and voice disorders, as well as the etiology and management of fluency disorders in children and adults. Restricted to CSD majors. Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in CSD 101 , 253 , and 291 .
  • CSD 498 - Special Studies in Communicative Disorders

    1-3 credit hours
    Investigation of communicative disorders in traditional or non-traditional framework, special project, interim course, or other model. Restricted to CSD majors.

Communication Studies

  • COMS 101 - Foundations of Oral Communication

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Foundation in the principles of communication focusing on understanding the intrapersonal, interpersonal and group, organizational, cultural, and public communication climates within which the students interact daily. Provides students the opportunity to study and practice effective communication and to prepare for real-life situations. A student may not receive credit for both COMS 101 and 102.
  • COMS 102 - Honors Foundations of Oral Communication

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Principles of foundations of communications for Honors Program students focusing on understanding the intrapersonal, interpersonal and group, organizational, cultural, and public communication climates within which the students interact daily. Provides students the opportunity to study and practice effective communication and to prepare for real-life situations. A student may not receive credit for both COMS 101 and 102.
  • COMS 140 - Principles of Public Speaking

    3 credit hours
    The study and application of audience analysis, content creation, speech occasion, social context, and ethical communication through the performance and analysis of multiple public speeches.  Prerequisite(s): COMS 101  (or 102 ).
  • COMS 141 - Interpersonal Communication

    3 credit hours
    Study and practice of effective dyadic communication in family, social, and work environments. Explores development of the self-concept, perception, language, nonverbal communication, and conflict management.
  • COMS 200 - Introduction to Communication Research Methods

    3 credit hours
    Study, application, and evaluation of quantitative and qualitative research methods employed in scholarly communication research. Includes experimental, survey, textual analysis, and ethnography. Prerequisite(s): COMS 101  (or 102 ).
  • COMS 220 - Introduction to Public Relations

    3 credit hours
    Introduction to the strategic management function of communication in public relations. Includes an overview of public relations planning and ethics for the contemporary corporate communicator.
  • COMS 299 - Career and Professional Development

    3 credit hours
    Overview of career development and successful job search strategies. Topics include: career assessment, resume writing, interview skills, career advancement, and communication in the workplace. Required for all COMS majors. Open to all majors.  Prerequisite(s): COMS 101  (or 102 ).
  • COMS 310 - Social Media and Public Relations

    3 credit hours
    Communication techniques to build personal/corporate brands and use of social media and web tools to engage customers. Application of social media strategies to organizational needs.  Class format includes lecture, discussion, case study analysis, and team projects. Prerequisite(s): COMS 101  (or 102 ) and 220 .
  • COMS 320 - Communication Theory

    3 credit hours
    Effect of communication theories on interpersonal, group, public, and other communication contexts. Formulation and evaluation of communication theories.
  • COMS 330 - Persuasion

    3 credit hours
    Study and application of theories and practices of persuasive messages used strategically to influence human behavior and actions. Includes critical analysis and public performance of persuasive strategies with a focus on ethical communication Prerequisite(s): COMS 101  (or 102 ) and 140 .
  • COMS 344 - Organizational Communication

    3 credit hours
    Examines communication patterns in businesses and organizations. Applies management and communication theories to workplace topics such as conflict, decision-making, diversity, leadership, and power.
  • COMS 350 - Nonverbal Communication

    3 credit hours
    Communication beyond the spoken or written word, including personal appearance, touch, space, eye contact, gestures, chronemics, olfaction, body adornment, and body language.
  • COMS 355 - Intercultural Communication

    3 credit hours
    An introduction to human communication as it reflects and shapes culture. Emphasizes communication’s role in living, socializing, and working effectively in a culturally and co-culturally diverse world.  Prerequisite(s): COMS 101  (or 102 ).
  • COMS 360 - Small Group Communication

    3 credit hours
    Nature, uses, and types of group discussion, including leadership, group problem solving, and the individual’s role in a group.
  • COMS 365 - Family Communication

    3 credit hours
    Effect of communication in family relationships. Functional and dysfunctional family systems across a wide range of structures and cultural backgrounds are examined.
  • COMS 375 - Gender Communication

    3 credit hours
    Development, usage, and effects of gendered communication interpersonally and in organizational settings.
  • COMS 390 - Communication, Leadership, and Society

    3 credit hours
    Analysis of leadership and followership as communication phenomena. Application of leadership principles in a variety of contemporary social and business contexts.
  • COMS 410 - Environmental Communication

    3 credit hours
    Effect of communication on how the natural world is perceived. Contexts, styles, and strategies of communication about the environment examined from a rhetorical perspective. Prerequisite(s): COMS 101  (or 102 ).
  • COMS 415 - Crisis Communication

    3 credit hours
    This course prepares communication practitioners to anticipate and respond effectively to organizational crises. We will review causes and solutions for organizational crises, with specific focus on public perceptions. Students will review case studies and learn best practices for the ethical use of communication strategies to manage and respond to organizational crises. Students will write a Crisis Communication Plan in which they will demonstrate understanding of key principles and theories guiding crisis communication practice.
  • COMS 420 - Interpersonal Conflict Management

    3 credit hours
    Principles of effective communication and conflict engagement. Conflict strategies employed in interaction and techniques to increase awareness of power and emotion in conflict.
  • COMS 430 - Argumentation and Debate

    3 credit hours
    An introduction to theories, techniques, and styles of debate with a focus on understanding the role of ethics in argumentation. Includes opportunities to analyze and perform argumentation and debates in a variety of contexts including interpersonal, community, and political. Prerequisite(s): COMS 101  (or 102 ) and 140 
  • COMS 435 - Social Movement Rhetoric

    3 credit hours
    Survey and criticism of the rhetoric of social movements throughout U.S. history including abolition and 20th century civil rights; women’s suffrage and the waves of feminism; and the contemporary LGBT rights movement.  Prerequisite(s): COMS 101  (or 102 ), and ENG 102  (or 104 ).
  • COMS 445 - Communication Training and Development

    3 credit hours
    Strategies and techniques for improving communication skills of business personnel, students, and clients.
  • COMS 450 - Rhetorical Criticism

    3 credit hours
    A survey and practice of rhetorical methods and criticism through analysis of speeches, campaigns, and other rhetorical artifacts. Prerequisite(s): COMS 101  (or 102 ), and ENG 102  (or 104 ).
  • COMS 460 - Seminar in Communication Studies

    3 credit hours
    Special offerings on a Communication Studies topic not covered in the curriculum.  May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Prerequisite(s): COMS 101  (or 102 ).
  • COMS 475 - Internship in Communication Studies

    1-6 credit hours
    Practical experience in a professional environment. Applications, including requirements, are available in departmental office. May be repeated for a total of 6 credit hours. Graded Pass/Fail. Open to juniors and seniors only with departmental and Academic Advisor consent.
  • COMS 491 - Directed Studies in Communication Studies

    1-3 credit hours
    Supervised, directed study in communication-related area. Faculty advisor must approve research topic the semester prior to registration. Consent of instructor required.
  • COMS 495 - Public Relations Campaigns

    3 credit hours
    Review of current strategic communication management practices related to planning, proposing, implementing, and analyzing public relations campaigns. Application of theory and research strategies to current problems and needs of organizations. Class format is primarily discussion and team projects, including case study analyses and service learning projects. Prerequisite(s): COMS 220  or instructor consent. 
  • COMS 499 - Senior Seminar in Communication Studies

    3 credit hours
    Communication Studies capstone experience. Presentation of senior projects that demonstrate how coursework in the COMS program contributes to the understanding of research, theory, and practice in the field of communication studies. Required of all COMS majors. Offered in fall term only. Prerequisite(s): COMS 299 . Senior standing and consent of instructor.

Computer Informatics

  • INFM 171 - Social Informatics

    3 credit hours
    Introduction to key social research perspectives and literature on the use of information and communication technologies. Covers current topics such as information ethics, relevant legal frameworks, popular and controversial uses of technology e.g. peer-to-peer file sharing, digital divides, etc. Introductory programming concepts such as variables and logic flow will be covered giving students an appreciation of the complexity involved in the development of the digital tools they use every day.
  • INFM 241 - Introduction to Informatics and Computing

    3 credit hours
    An introduction to the program development and design process, including computer-based concepts of problem solving, structured programming logic and techniques, algorithm development and program design. Topics include algorithms, input/output techniques, looping, modules, selection structures, file handling, control breaks, and user documentation.  Prerequisite(s): INFM 171 .
  • INFM 242 - Logical Foundations for Informatics

    3 credit hours
    An introduction to methods of analytical, abstract, and critical thinking; deductive reasoning; and logical and mathematical tools used in information sciences. The topics include propositional and predicate logic, natural deduction proof system, sets, functions and relations, proof methods in mathematics, mathematical induction, and graph theory.  Prerequisite(s): MATH 147 .
  • INFM 245 - Computer Programming I

    3 credit hours
    Basic programming abilities and concepts including procedural programming (methods, parameters, return, values), basic control structures (sequence, if/else, for loop, while loop), file processing, arrays, and an introduction to defining objects. Prerequisite(s): INFM 171 , INFM 241 .
  • INFM 246 - Computer Programming II

    3 credit hours
    Continuation of Computer Programming I. Advanced programming concepts including inheritance and composition, binary and text I/O, GUI and event-driven programming, introduction to design patterns, multi-threaded programming, network programming, and testing. Prerequisite(s): INFM 171 INFM 241 , and INFM 245 .
  • INFM 347 - Human Computer Interaction

    3 credit hours
    Students will learn the fundamental theories of human-computer interaction (HCI) and user-centered design. This course is both a survey of HCI research and an introduction to the psychological, behavioral, and other social science knowledge and techniques relevant to the design of interactive and ubiquitous computing systems. Sophomore or higher. Recommended PSYC 201 .
  • INFM 348 - Information Representation

    3 credit hours
    Develop skills in the design and implementation of databases using relational database management systems (RDBMS). Emphasis is on the practical aspects of database design and development. Topics include conceptual design of database systems using the entity-relationship (ER) model, logical design and normalization, physical design, and the relational database model with SQL as a language for creating and manipulating database objects. A brief introduction to NoSQL databases, JSON and XML technologies for metadata representations.  Prerequisite(s): INFM 171 INFM 241 , and INFM 245  .  Recommended: INFM 242 .
  • INFM 349 - Informatics Project Management

    3 credit hours
    This course will cover breaking down a complex project into manageable segments, leading a diverse project team, and using effective tools to ensure that the project meets its deliverables and is completed within budget and on schedule. Students will complete a plan for a project, giving them valuable experience with the relevant tools and skills, including Microsoft Project software. Recommended course: MG 361 .
  • INFM 350 - Database and Applications Security

    3 credit hours
    Aspects of information security will be addressed. Topics include security implications of databases, telecommunication systems, risk assessment, security policies, remote connections, authentication and prevention systems, foundations of cryptography, physical security issues, and appropriate countermeasures.  Prerequisite(s): INFM 171 INFM 241 , INFM 242 , INFM 245  and INFM 348 .
  • INFM 370 - Data Structures and Algorithms I

    3 credit hours
    Introduction to fundamental data structures and algorithms to solve computational problems.  Emphasis on quantitative performance analysis of the various approaches along with applications.  Topics include lists, queues, stacks, sorting (insertion, merge, quick), search trees (binary, red-black), and hash tables (separate chaining, probing).

    Part I of a two part course:  Part I covers fundamentals, sorting, and searching, Part II covers graphs, strings, and advanced applications. Prerequisite(s): INFM 171 INFM 241 , INFM 242 , and INFM 245   

  • INFM 371 - Data Structures and Algorithms II

    3 credit hours
    Continuation of Part I.  Emphasis on graph and string processing.  Topics include graph representation, breadth-first and depth-first search, minimum spanning trees (Prim, Kruskal), shortest paths (Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford), substring search, regular expressions, and data compression.  Other topics include event-driven simulation, B-trees, maximum flow, and an introduction to intractability.

      Prerequisite(s): INFM 171 INFM 241 , INFM 242 , INFM 245 , and INFM 370 . Co-requisite(s): INFM 246  

  • INFM 409 - Internship in Informatics

    1-3 credit hours
    Work-related experience in a private, public or governmental organization enhancing student learning of academic concepts and theories in Informatics. May be repeated for a total of 6 credit hours on a pass/fail basis. Junior standing, GPA of 2.5 in major, and consent of insturctor.
  • INFM 410 - Internship in Informatics II

    1-3 credit hours
    Work-related experience in a private, public or governmental organization enhancing student learning of academic concepts and theories in Informatics. May be repeated for a total of 6 credit hours on a pass/fail basis. Junior standing, GPA of 2.5 in major, and consent of insturctor. 
  • INFM 450 - Data Analysis and Mining I

    3 credit hours
    Introduction to fundamental concepts of data mining, hands-on experience in data collection, preprocessing, analysis, clustering and prediction, supervised and unsupervised machine learning.  Prerequisite(s): INFM 171 INFM 241 , INFM 242 , INFM 245 , and INFM 348 .
  • INFM 451 - Data Analysis and Mining II

    3 credit hours
    Continuation of INFM 450. Predictive models (e.g. decision trees, logistic SVM Bayes, nearest neighbors), model evaluation techniques, clustering (hierarchical, density-based), basic association analysis, and anomaly detection. Data visualization/exploration. Hands-on projects.  Prerequisite(s): INFM 171 INFM 241 , INFM 242 , INFM 245 INFM 348 , and INFM 450 . Co-requisite(s): INFM 371 .
  • INFM 455 - Information Infrastructure I

    3 credit hours
    Examination of software architecture and the concepts and procedures of applications development. Course topics include the setup and implementation of an application and database server. Students will demonstrate the skills for developing a three-tier architecture, with proper security mechanisms, capable of scaling to handle a large volume of data. Prerequisite(s): INFM 171 INFM 241 , INFM 242 INFM 245 , and INFM 348 .
  • INFM 456 - Information Infrastructure II

    3 credit hours
    Application of the data mining life cycle. Students will demonstrate skills necessary for extracting useful information from data. Demonstrated tasks include feature selection, dimensionality reduction, normalization, model selection, model evaluation, and deployment. Prerequisite(s): INFM 171,  INFM 241 , INFM 242 INFM 245,  INFM 348 , INFM 450,  and INFM 455 . Co-requisite(s): INFM 451  
  • INFM 460 - Special Topics in Informatics

    1-3 credit hours
    A study of a special topic in Informatics. May repeat once for a total of 6 credit hours. Senior standing (or consent of instructor).
  • INFM 476 - Applied Research in Informatics

    1-3 credit hours
    Directed research in Informatics.  May be repeated once for a total of 6 credit hours. Restricted to senior standing (or consent of instructor).

Computer Science

  • CS 161 - Introduction to Computer Science

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    An overview of computer science, designed for majors and non-majors alike, meant to give students a comprehensive picture of the field as it exists today. Learn how computers work under the hood, explore the inner workings of the Internet, develop creative thinking and problem solving skills, and analyze the impacts of computing technology on society. Topics include fundamental concepts such as: computer architecture, storage and transmission of data, presentation of information, data structures and algorithms, networking and the Internet.  Prerequisite(s): MATH 131  or Mathematics ACT minimum subscore of 20 or SAT minimum subscore of 444.
  • CS 170 - Introduction to Programming

    3 credit hours
    An introduction to computational thinking and problem solving through programming in a scripting language (Python). Topics include language fundamentals, syntax and semantics of a high-level language; variables and expressions, data types (including strings, lists and dictionaries); branching, loops and functions; basic software development methods and tools; documentation and style. Prerequisite(s): CS 161 .
  • CS 185 - Survey of Computer Science

    1 credit hour
    This course provides an overview of the nature of computer science, in both a historical and modern context, and its relationship to other disciplines. Students will learn about what computer scientists do and why, and will hear a variety of speakers discuss career opportunities in computer science and related disciplines.  Grade Pass/Fail.
  • CS 210 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

    3 credit hours
    Fundamental concepts in object-oriented programming language (Java, Python, C++, Visual Basic .NET and Ruby). Principles of program design, algorithm development, definition and use of classes along with the fundamentals of object-oriented design. Other topics include an overview of programming language principles, simple analysis of algorithms, basic searching and sorting techniques, and an introduction to software engineering issues. - Brief review of control structures, functions, and primitive data types - Object-oriented programming: Object-oriented design; encapsulation and information-hiding; separation of behavior and implementation; classes, subclasses, and inheritance; polymorphism; class hierarchies - Fundamental computing algorithms: simple searching and sorting algorithms (linear and binary search, selection and insertion sort) - Fundamentals of event-driven programming - Machine level representation of data: Bits, bytes, and words; numeric data representation and number bases; representation of character data - Introduction to computer graphics: Using a simple graphics API - Memory management - Overview of programming languages: History of programming languages; brief survey of programming paradigms - Introduction to language translation: Comparison of interpreters and compilers; language translation phases; machine-dependent and machine-independent aspects of translation. Prerequisite(s): CS 161  with a grade of C or higher.
  • CS 222 - Algorithm Development

    3 credit hours
    Studies data abstractions (e.g., stacks, queues, lists, trees) and their representation techniques (e.g., linking, arrays). Introduces concepts used in algorithm design and analysis including criteria for selecting data structures to fit their applications.  Prerequisite(s): CS 210  grade of C or higher.
  • CS 250 - Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science

    Logic, infinity, and induction; applications include undecidability and stable marriage problem. Modular arithmetic and GCDs; applications include primality testing and cryptography. Polynomials; examples include error correcting codes and interpolation. Probability including sample spaces, independence, random variables, law of large numbers; examples include load balancing, existence arguments, Bayesian inference.  Prerequisite(s): CS 161  grade of C or higher.
  • CS 295 - Special Topics in Computer Science

    3 credit hours
    Topic will be announced prior to registration. Topics vary. Course may be repeated for credit as topic changes. Repeatable up to 9 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): “C” or higher in CS 161 .
  • CS 310 - Data Structures

    3 credit hours
    Covers advanced data structures, computational geometry, cryptography, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, divide-and-conquer, graph algorithms (e.g., depth-first search), network algorithms (e.g., shortest paths), approximation algorithms. Prerequisite(s): “C” or higher in CS 222 .
  • CS 311 - Object Oriented Design

    3 credit hours
    A continuation of CS 210  and emphasizes concepts of object-oriented software design (OOD). Topics include recursion, inheritance, generics, class design, container classes, user interfaces, design patterns, and frameworks for reflection, parallelism, and networking.  Prerequisite(s): “C” or higher in CS 210 .
  • CS 315 - Software Engineering

    3 credit hours
    Examination of the software development life cycle, software requirements and specifications, software design and implementation, verification and validation and software maintenance. Techniques for cost estimation. Introduction to object-oriented requirements modeling, including case modeling, static modeling, and dynamic modeling using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation. Testing, debugging and associated tools. Prerequisite(s): CS 311 .
  • CS 322 - Algorithm Development and Data Structures

    3 credit hours
    Fundamental programming concepts are presented together with supporting theoretical foundations and practical applications. This course emphasizes the practical application of techniques for writing and analyzing programs: data abstraction, program verification, and performance analysis. These techniques are applied in the design and analysis of fundamental algorithms and data structures. Prerequisite(s): “C” or higher in CS 310 .
  • CS 330 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis

    3 credit hours
    Covers development, computer implementation, and analysis of numerical methods for applied mathematical problems. Topics include floating point arithmetic, numerical solution of linear systems of equations, root finding, numerical interpolation, differentiation, and integration. Prerequisite(s): “C” or higher in CS 250  and MATH 171 .
  • CS 340 - Human Centered Computing Foundations

    3 credit hours
    Introduces the practice and research of human-centered computing, including the evolution of human-computer interaction to its forms today and the techniques of user-centered design. The course will survey topics that include social computing; tangible computing; mobility; and more. It will cover computing in society at large with respect to domains such as health, education, assistive technology, emergency response, and environment.  Prerequisite(s): “C” or higher in CS 161 .
  • CS 364 - Web Development

    3 credit hours
    Covers languages, tools, and techniques for developing interactive and dynamic web pages. Topics include page styling, design, and layout; client and server side scripting; web security; and interacting with data sources such as databases.  Prerequisite(s): “C” or higher in CS 210 .
  • CS 375 - Programming for Mobile Devices

    3 credit hours
    This course will introduce the students to the third wave of computing, mobile programming. It will also expose the students to the various constraints in programming for mobile devices while incorporating networking and security in their programs. Students will typically be using the .NET Compact Framework or Java Mobile Edition. Prerequisite(s): “C” or higher in CS 311 .
  • CS 395 - Special Topics in Computer Science

    3 credit hours
    Topic will be announced prior to registration. Topics vary. Course may be repeated for credit as topic changes. Prerequisite(s): “C” or higher in CS 161 .
  • CS 420 - Computer and Video Game Development

    3 credit hours
    This course examines computer and video game development. Topics include computer programming, structured and object-oriented design, even-driven designs, and simulation and user interface design. Prerequisite(s): “C” or higher in CS 311 .
  • CS 484 - Senior Seminar I

    3 credit hours
    In this course, students begin an interdisciplinary project in Computer Science related to their minor/second major.  Prerequisite(s): “C” or higher in CS 322 .
  • CS 485 - Senior Seminar II

    3 credit hours
    Students will complete an interdisciplinary project in Computer Science related to their minor/second major. Prerequisite(s): “C” or higher in CS 484 .


  • CYBR 250 - Operating Systems and Administration

    3 credit hours
    Principles of operating systems, including process management, memory management, file management, and scheduling. Focus on popular client and server operating systems. Topics include but not limited to file systems and administration, shell scripting language, managing processes, system backup, software installation, troubleshooting and performance, and network configurations.
  • CYBR 251 - Computer Networking & Distributed Computing

    3 credit hours
    Examines computer networking topics such as data link networks, packet switching, routing, TCP/UDP, flow control, congestion control, and application protocols. Distributed computing concepts are also covered and include remote procedure calls, distributed file systems, and fault tolerance. Oriented toward network programming.
  • CYBR 350 - Computer and Network Security

    3 credit hours
    Aspects of information security will be addressed. Topics include security implications of databases, and telecommunication systems, risk assessment, security policies, remote connections, authentication and prevention systems, foundations of cryptography, physical security issues, and appropriate countermeasures. Prerequisite(s): CYBR 250 251 
  • CYBR 351 - Digital Forensics

    3 credit hours
    Explores the many facets of computer forensics and network security. Examines intrusion detection, evidence collection and presentation with hands-on exercises. Prerequisite(s): CYBR 250 251 , and 350 .
  • CYBR 352 - Wireless Networking

    3 credit hours
    Examines the fundamental principles underlying wireless communications and networking.  Topics include wireless transmission principles, protocols, cellular networks, wireless local area networks, and wireless personal area networks. Prerequisite(s): CYBR 251 .
  • CYBR 353 - Mobile Development

    3 credit hours
    Application development for mobile devices. Covers implementation of mobile apps, including build tools, libraries, user interfaces, application architecture, and security practices. Requires programming knowledge in at least one higher level language. Prerequisite(s): INFM 241  or equivalent.
  • CYBR 450 - Information Assurance and Cybersecurity

    3 credit hours
    Provides a theoretical and practical foundation to information assurance and cyber-security (IAC). Includes methods and practices for securing information and information systems. Covers how vulnerabilities arise, recognizing evolving threats, and mitigating them. Explores the role of risk analysis, information privacy, accountability, and policy. Prerequisite(s): CYBR 250 , 251  and 350 .  


  • EC 231 - Introduction to Macroeconomics

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Basic economic concepts, aggregate income, employment and output, money and banking, inflation, monetary and fiscal policy, and international economics and comparative systems.
  • EC 232 - Introduction to Microeconomics

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    An explanation of the market determination of and the individual household’s response to demand, supply, and price in both product and factor markets.
  • EC 307 - World Economy

    3 credit hours
    Focuses on financial factors-interest rates, inflation, exchange rates, the balance of payments-related to international trade, and their role in the formulation of national economic policy. Includes an examination of the theoretical basis for trade between countries, the existence of trade barriers, and the effects of U.S. trade policy on the multinational corporation. Prerequisite(s): EC 231  and 232 , and junior standing.
  • EC 401 - Money and Banking

    3 credit hours
    The functions of money, credit, and financial institutions in our economy. Details the structure of interest rates and investigates the determination of the level of domestic rates of interest and their implications for international currency markets. (Cross-listed with FI 401 .)
  • EC 460 - Special Topics in Economics

    1-3 credit hours
    Study of selected topic in economics. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours if topic is different. Junior standing required. Prerequisite(s): EC 231  and 232 


  • ED 201 - Explorations in Education

    1 credit hour
    Observation of classrooms, case studies, and critical reading and reflection will provide students with a foundation for making professional career decisions regarding teaching. Note: This course is designed to acquaint dually enrolled high school students with the education profession as part of a cooperative agreement between the University of Montevallo and local school districts that offer career-technical education, Future Teachers Association opportunities, or teaching academies. Enrollment is restricted to dually enrolled high school students.
  • ED 401 - Introduction to Teaching

    1 credit hour
    Designed to acquaint pre-professionals with the education profession. Observation of classrooms and case analyses will provide students a beginning pedagogical foundation for making professional career decisions regarding teaching. Restricted to majors in Elementary Education, Elementary/Collaborative Education, or Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Co-requisite(s): EDF 330, EDF 375, SPED 408, ED 481, EXNS 480
  • ED 402 - Secondary Students as Learners

    2 credit hours
    The COE conceptual framework theme, “Educator as Developing Professional,” is a major organizer for this course in that secondary candidates will be encouraged to explore various foundations for beginning a career in teaching and for committing to anticipated growth and development to span the entire career.
  • ED 407 - Current Trends in Teaching Exceptional and Diverse Learners

    2 credit hours
    This course explores methods and strategies to prepare teacher candidates to teach exceptional and diverse learners in the modern classroom. Methods and strategies include academic, behavioral, and social instructional best practices within the fields of special education, culturally-responsive pedagogy/teaching, and multicultural education. Prerequisite(s): Current admission to the University of Montevallo secondary education program. (Cross-listed with ED 507).
  • ED 410 - Teaching of Reading

    3 credit hours
    This course addresses the Foundations of Literacy Acquisition, knowledge of diverse reading profiles (including dyslexia), an introduction to developmentally-appropriate assessment techniques that can be used in K-6 classrooms, the essential principles and practices of structured literacy instruction including state and national standards, as well as professional dispositions and practices Admission to the Teacher Education Program required.
  • ED 411 - Advanced Teaching of Reading

    3 credit hours
    This course provides advanced analysis and application of structured literacy instruction and developmentally-appropriate assessment techniques that can be used in K-6 classrooms. Through targeted experiences in the university and elementary classroom settings, candidates will expand their knowledge and ability to apply multisensory teaching strategies to promote phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics and word recognition, automatic and fluent reading of text with a focus on comprehension, and professional dispositions and practices.  Admission to the Teacher Education Program required. Prerequisite(s): ED 410 , ED 447 , ED 465 , EDF 461 , and SPED 415 . Co-requisite(s): ED 444 , ED 445 , ED 446 ED 448 .
  • ED 418 - Classroom Management

    3 credit hours
    Provides an opportunity to review and analyze various classroom environments and disciplinary styles. Students will develop basic human-relations skills and communicate an understanding of their role in the classroom. Admission to the Teacher Education Program required. (Cross-listed with ED 518).
  • ED 427 - Technology-Based Instructional Strategies

    2 credit hours
    General Education Course
    This course discusses Web-based applications, software, and hardware used within a classroom setting, as well as instructional strategies to help pre-service teachers begin to understand the link between classroom instruction and technology. Admission to the Teacher Education Program required. (Cross-listed with ED 527).

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