Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses of Instruction

Course descriptions are listed alphabetically by subject prefix. Each course description begins with a subject prefix followed by a three-digit course number and the course title. If a course includes laboratory or other special activities, that information is contained in the course description. Prerequisites and co-requisites are also listed. A prerequisite is a course, experience, or other required preparation that must be completed before the student will be permitted to enroll in the course. A co-requisite is a course, experience, or other preparation that must be completed at the same time that the student is enrolled in the listed course.

Please note, when searching courses by “Code or Number”, an asterisk (*) can be used to return mass results. For instance, a “Code or Number” search of ” 1* ” can be entered, returning all 100-level courses.



  • PSYC 312 - Psychology in Film

    3 credit hours
    An exploration of topics such as social psychology, psychopathology, developmental psychology, therapy, learning through an examination of the presentation of psychology in film. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201 .
  • PSYC 321 - Social Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Reciprocal influences of individuals in social interaction settings, social perception, social cognition, attitudes, social exchange, social influence, and control. Students who have received credit for SOC 321  cannot receive credit for PSYC 321. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201 . (Cross-listed with SOC 321 .)
  • PSYC 322 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Examination of the interrelationships among the individual, family, small groups, organizations, and the community. Special attention given to diversity, cultural sensitivity, oppression, and discrimination. Students who have received credit for SWK 322  cannot receive credit for PSYC 322. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201 . Prerequisite/Co-requisite(s): PSYC 306 . (Cross-listed with SWK 322 .)
  • PSYC 340 - Cognitive Psychology

    3 credit hours
    An analysis of thinking, conceptualization, attention, memory, problem solving, language, and related mediational processes in the individual. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201 .
  • PSYC 345 - Principles of Learning

    3 credit hours
    Basic principles of classical and operant conditioning, including reinforcement, punishment, and stimulus control. Application to animal and human learning. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201 .
  • PSYC 350 - Forensic Psychology

    3 credit hours
    The study of psychological principles associated with various aspects of the legal system, including forensic assessment and expert witness testimony, police stress, lawyers and judges in the courtroom, victims’ rights, and the use of the insanity defense in criminal cases. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201 . Prerequisite/Co-requisite(s): PSYC 310 .
  • PSYC 351 - Clinical Techniques and Ethics for the Behavioral Sciences

    3 credit hours
    An in-depth study of various theoretical models underlying psychotherapy; clinical decision-making and assessment before, during, and after therapy; non-traditional therapies; biologically based therapies; ethical issues in psychotherapy; therapy over the life span; racial and gender issues in psychotherapy; and the efficacy of psychotherapy. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201  and 310 .
  • PSYC 352 - Health Psychology

    3 credit hours
    An in-depth study of health psychology as a subdiscipline within psychology. Emphasis on the interaction of biopsychosocial factors as they influence physical illnesses. Methods of successful intervention with patients, based on psychological research, will be a major focus. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201  and 3 additional hours of Psychology.
  • PSYC 415 - Human Factors

    3 credit hours
    Design of systems, work places, and products that effectively support humans in the tasks they perform. Topics include display-control designs, human perceptual limitations, human information processing, design of the work place, and designing to minimize the impact of human error. Case studies will be used. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201  and PSYC 340  or consent of instructor.
  • PSYC 418 - Psychological Testing

    3 credit hours
    Psychological testing instruments used in clinical, counseling, industrial, and educational settings. Emphasis on criteria and information sources for selection of psychological tests, score interpretation, ethical considerations, bias in testing, and current issues in test use. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201 . Prerequisite/Co-requisite(s): PSYC 300  and 310 .
  • PSYC 420 - Sensation and Perception

    3 credit hours
    Study of sensation and perception from a historical perspective and current paradigms. Sensory systems and their biological organization as well as traditional and contemporary questions about perception of sensory information. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201  and junior or senior standing.
  • PSYC 425 - Biological Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Physiological bases of behavior, including learning, motivation, psychopathology, emotion, the senses, body rhythms, and other brain-behavior relationships. Neurochemical aspects of behavior and drug effects. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201  and BIO 100 , 105 , or 106 , or consent of instructor.
  • PSYC 430 - Experimental Psychology and Inferential Statistics

    3 credit hours
    Experimental design, computer analyses, and inferential statistics appropriate to the field of psychology. Methodologies discussed include case studies, surveys, observational studies, correlational studies, and factorial designs. Sampling theory, hypothesis testing, and parametric statistics are covered. Course includes a significant computer component appropriate to analyzing and presenting research findings in the behavioral sciences and related fields. Ethical issues in research and writing APA-style results and discussion sections are also covered. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201  and 300  and completion of 3 additional hours in Psychology.
  • PSYC 445 - Sex Roles, Gender, and Culture

    3 credit hours
    Studies of sex roles within broader cultural patterns in various societies. Topics include: acquisition of gender, interactional styles, and political/economic consequences of gender differences. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201  and SOC 101 .  (Cross-listed with SOC 445 .)
  • PSYC 489 - Individual Research I

    3 credit hours
    Open to Psychology majors only and consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201 , 15 additional hours of Psychology.
  • PSYC 490 - Individual Research II

    3 credit hours
    Open to Psychology majors only and consent of instructor required. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201  and 489 , 15 additional hours of Psychology.
  • PSYC 491 - Directed Readings in Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Current literature on selected, varying topics in Psychology. May be repeated for a maximum of six credit hours. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201 , 9 additional hours of Psychology, and consent of instructor.
  • PSYC 499 - Senior Seminar in the History of Psychology: A Capstone Experience

    3 credit hours
    A capstone course that surveys the history and development of the discipline of psychology. Emphasis will be placed on integrating material from the psychology curriculum in order to examine the interconnectedness of the field, despite its vast diversity. Prerequisite(s): BIO 105  (or 107 ), PHIL 290 , PSYC 201  and 425 , and 21 additional hours of Psychology.

Quantitative Methods

  • QM 235 - Quantitative Methods in Business I

    3 credit hours
    Basic mathematical formulations, calculus, and statistics, and their economic applications. Prerequisite(s): MATH 144 , 147 , or higher.
  • QM 236 - Quantitative Methods in Business II

    3 credit hours
    Sampling, parameter estimating, hypothesis testing, determination of nature and strength of a relationship among variables, decision theory, time series analysis, and non-parametric methods. Prerequisite(s): QM 235  and MIS 161 .
  • QM 363 - Operations Management

    3 credit hours
    Management of systems producing goods and services, including designing output systems, job design, production scheduling, quality control, and inventory systems. Emphasis on quantitative tools. Prerequisite(s): QM 236  and MG 361 .


  • REL 110 - World Religions

    3 credit hours
    Introduction to the world’s major religious traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Examination of religious texts, as well as observation of diverse religious communities at worship.
  • REL 210 - Introduction to Religious Studies

    3 credit hours
    Examination of the most-influential modern theories of religion, including those associated with the rise of the social sciences. Theorists to be examined represent the fields of sociology, anthropology, and psychology, and will include such figures as James Frazer, Sigmund Freud, Emile Durkheim, Mircea Eliade, Clifford Geertz, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Throughout, the focus will be on attempts to explain religion and the question of whether or not explaining religion necessarily explains it away.
  • REL 300 - The Literature of the Bible and Koran

    3 credit hours
    A study of some of the major literary documents and ideas of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
  • REL 301 - St. Paul

    3 credit hours
    A study of the New Testament documents by and about St. Paul, with an analysis of his religious thought and influence.
  • REL 302 - Special Topics in Religion

    3 credit hours
    In-depth study of topics in religion, through individual or small-group sessions, with assigned readings. May be repeated for credit if topic is different.
  • REL 303 - Special Topics in Religion

    3 credit hours
    In-depth study of topics in religion, through individual or small-group sessions, with assigned readings. May be repeated for credit if topic is different.

Social Work

  • SWK 203 - Introduction to Social Welfare and Social Work

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Introduction to social welfare as a humane and stabilizing influence in U.S. society, and to social work as the dominant profession in social welfare. Students who have received credit for PSYC 203  cannot receive credit for SWK 203. (Cross-listed with PSYC 203 .)
  • SWK 260 - Family and Child Issues and Services

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Issues affecting children and families in American society. Emphasis on child abuse and neglect, developmentally disabled children, homeless children and families, chronically ill and disabled children, and services available to children and families. Policy issues related to the provision of adequate services and sources also will be considered. (Cross-listed with FCS 260 .)
  • SWK 301 - Selected Topics in Social Work

    3 credit hours
    Specific subjects will vary each time the course is offered. The subject will be announced the previous semester. Course may be repeated for credit each time the topic changes.
  • SWK 302 - Selected Topics in Social Work

    3 credit hours
    Specific subjects will vary each time the course is offered. The subject will be announced the previous semester. Course may be repeated for credit each time the topic changes.
  • SWK 303 - Selected Topics in Social Work

    3 credit hours
    Specific subjects will vary each time the course is offered. The subject will be announced the previous semester. Course may be repeated for credit each time the topic changes.
  • SWK 304 - Selected Topics in Social Work

    3 credit hours
    Specific subjects will vary each time the course is offered. The subject will be announced the previous semester. Course may be repeated for credit each time the topic changes.
  • SWK 305 - Selected Topics in Social Work

    3 credit hours
    Specific subjects will vary each time the course is offered. The subject will be announced the previous semester. Course may be repeated for credit each time the topic changes.
  • SWK 311 - Substance Abuse

    3 credit hours
    Evolution of alcohol and drug abuse/dependence in the U.S. and selected other countries and models used to treat substance abuse. Content includes the effects of drugs, including alcohol, on the body, as well as how the disease of dependence affects every area of life and the lives of family members. (Crosslisted with PSYC 311  and SOC 311 .)
  • SWK 322 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Examination of interrelationships among the individual, family, small groups, organizations, and the community. Special attention given to diversity, cultural sensitivity, oppression, and discrimination. Students who have received credit for PSYC 322  cannot receive credit for SWK 322. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201 . Prerequisite/Co-requisite(s): PSYC 306 . (Cross-listed with PSYC 322 .)
  • SWK 350 - Generalist Social Work Practice

    3 credit hours
    This course serves as an introductory perspective on professional social work practice as a planned, purposeful process occurring over time, involving professional judgment and based on knowledge, values, and ethics of the social work profession. Emphasis is placed on understanding beginning generalist practice, including practice with systems of all sizes. For social work majors only. Prerequisite(s): SWK 203  and 322 , and PSYC 306 , with a GPA of 3.0 in prerequisites courses. Prerequisite/Co-requisite(s): Prerequisite or corequisite: SWK 355 .
  • SWK 355 - Research in Social Welfare

    3 credit hours
    Principles, methods, and utilization of quantitative and qualitative research relating to social work practice. Emphasis is placed on the role of research in evaluating the effectiveness of one’s own practice and of service delivery systems. Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite for Social Work majors: SWK 203 . Prerequisite/Co-requisite(s): PSYC 300 . (Cross-listed and SOC 355 .)
  • SWK 373 - Social Policy

    3 credit hours
    An introduction to the study of social policy, with emphases on 1) how social policy influences the lives of citizens and clients, 2) how social policy influences the practice of social work, and 3) the resulting responsibilities of social work to try to influence social policy. Non-majors are allowed to take this course with consent of instructor. Prerequisite(s): Prerequisites for Social Work majors: SWK 203  and 322 , EC 231  or 232 , and POS 200  or 250 . Also recommended for Human Service minors, for whom the prerequisite is SWK 203 . Students who have received credit for SOC 373  may not receive credit for SWK 373. (Cross-listed with SOC 373 .)
  • SWK 380 - Mental Health Issues and Services

    3 credit hours
    A study of the development of mental health services in the U.S., including changing conceptions of mental illness/mental health and associated programs and practices. Special emphasis is given to the development of the philosophy, policies, and implementation of community mental health, and current issues such as deinstitutionalization and homelessness. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 . (Cross-listed with SOC 380  and EDC 500.)
  • SWK 390 - Social Work Practice with Groups

    3 credit hours
    Emphasis on the development of knowledge and skills for generalist social work practice with small groups, including task and treatment groups. For social work majors only. Consent of instructor required for non-social work majors. Prerequisite(s): SWK 203  and 322 .
  • SWK 400 - Skills for Social Work Practice

    3 credit hours
    A competency-based course emphasizing acquisition of skills in interviewing, inter/intra organization communication, intervention, planning, and professional presentation. Students will complete a minimum of 24 hours of pre-practicum orientation. For social work majors only. Students must meet criteria for Admission to the Practicum to enter the course. Prerequisite(s): SWK 350 , 355 . Co-requisite(s): SWK 410 .
  • SWK 401 - Social Gerontology

    3 credit hours
    Comprehensive examination of aging in contemporary society, with emphases on the theories and social consequences of aging for individuals, groups, and society. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 . (Cross-listed with SOC 401 .)
  • SWK 410 - Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families

    3 credit hours
    Examines social work practice with individuals and families. The problem-solving process, social work purposes, values, and ethics are examined. Emphasis is given to the helping relationship and the phases of the helping process. For social work majors only. Prerequisite(s): SWK 350  and 355 . Co-requisite(s): SWK 400 .
  • SWK 411 - Selected Topics in Social Work

    3 credit hours
    Topics vary. Course may be repeated for credit as often as topic changes, up to a total of 9 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): SWK 203  and 322 .
  • SWK 420 - Social Work Practice with Communities and Organizations

    3 credit hours
    Emphasis on the development of knowledge and skills for generalist social work practice with communities and organizations. For social work majors only. Prerequisite(s): SWK 350  and 355 .
  • SWK 455 - Social Work Practicum

    10 credit hours
    The social work practicum provides an opportunity for students to have direct and continuing contact with the realities of social work practice for the purpose of developing professional social work capabilities. The student is assigned to a social service agency five days a week and is supervised by a qualified professional practitioner employed by the agency. A GPA of 3.0 is required in social work courses. An overall GPA of 2.3 is also required. Prerequisite(s): SWK 373 , 390 , 400 , 410 , and 420 .
  • SWK 456 - Social Work Integrative Seminar

    2 credit hours
    Emphasis is on helping students incorporate previous classroom content with their “real life” experiences in the practicum. Themes that are infused into the total curriculum and preparation for entering social work practice are emphasized. The course meets every week for two hours. Co-requisite(s): SWK 455 .
  • SWK 490 - Directed Readings in Social Work

    1-3 credit hours
    May be repeated for a maximum of six credit hours.


  • SOC 101 - Introductory Sociology

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Patterns of modern society, including social behavior in terms of culture, group relationships, social organizations, and social stratification.
  • SOC 240 - Social Problems

    3 credit hours
    Contemporary social problems, including mental illness, mental retardation, drug abuse, crime, ethnic conflict, terrorism, and child abuse.
  • SOC 303 - Selected Topics in Sociology

    3 credit hours
    Topics vary. Course may be repeated for credit as often as topic changes. (Cross-listed with GEOG 303 , HIST 303 , and POS 303 .)
  • SOC 310 - Sociology of Popular Music

    3 credit hours
    The relationship of music and cultural values, beliefs, and practices is complex and subject to much debate. Music both reflects and shapes cultures. In this course we will examine popular music as an important social, economic, political, and historical force in American life.
  • SOC 311 - Substance Abuse

    3 credit hours
    Evolution of alcohol and drug abuse/dependence in the U.S. and selected other countries and models used to treat substance abuse. Content includes the effects of drugs, including alcohol, on the body, as well as how the disease of dependence affects every area of life and the lives of family members. (Crosslisted with PSYC 311  and SWK 311 .)
  • SOC 321 - Social Psychology

    3 credit hours
    Reciprocal influences of individuals in social interaction settings, social perception, social cognition, attitudes, social exchange, social influence, and control. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201 . (Cross-listed with PSYC 321 .) Students who have received credit for PSYC 321  may not receive credit for SOC 321.
  • SOC 322 - Minorities

    3 credit hours
    Principal American social and ethnic groups, with emphasis on immigration and migration of minority groups and the effects of prejudice and discrimination.
  • SOC 324 - Social Stratification

    3 credit hours
    Theories and systems of caste and class, with specific consideration given to status, occupation, income, education, and other elements in contemporary American stratification. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 .
  • SOC 341 - Juvenile Delinquency

    3 credit hours
    Systematic approaches to dealing with the major problems of juvenile delinquency in the United States. Emphasis on development, rehabilitation, and prevention of delinquent behavior. Junior or senior standing required. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 .
  • SOC 342 - Criminology

    3 credit hours
    This course is a study of the nature of criminal acts, theories of causation, and modern trends of punishment and/or rehabilitation.  Junior or senior standing required. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 .
  • SOC 352 - Medical Sociology

    3 credit hours
    Nature and organization of medical practice and health-care delivery systems. Includes history of medical care, evolution of medicine, structure of health-care system, and the relationship between health care and other major institutions. Attention also given to the role of the practitioner and the patient in the health-care process. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 .
  • SOC 355 - Research in Social Welfare

    3 credit hours
    Principles, methods, and utilization of quantitative and qualitative research relating to social work practice. Emphasis is placed on the role of research in evaluating the effectiveness of one’s own practice and of service-delivery systems. (Cross-listed with SWK 355 .)
  • SOC 360 - Social Change

    3 credit hours
    Theories and processes of social change in advanced societies, with emphasis on demographic development, social movements, and collective behavior. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 .
  • SOC 370 - Research Methods in Social Sciences

    3 credit hours
    Introduction to empirical research, concentrating on research design, methods of data collection, and statistical analysis of data. Students will be introduced to the Statistical Package of the Social Sciences (SPSS) and acquire practical experience in computer-assisted research. (Cross-listed with POS 370 .)
  • SOC 373 - Social Policy

    3 credit hours
    An introduction to the study of social policy with emphases on: 1) how social policy influences the lives of citizens and clients; 2) how social policy influences the practice of social work; and 3) the resulting responsibilities of social work to try to influence social policy. This course is for Sociology majors and minors only. Social Work majors should take the cross-listed course. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 . (Cross-listed with SWK 373 .) Students who have received credit for SWK 373  may not receive credit for SOC 373.
  • SOC 380 - Mental Health Issues and Services

    3 credit hours
    Development of mental health services in the United States, including changing conceptions of mental illness/mental health and associated programs and practices. Emphasis on the development of philosophy, policies, and implementation of community mental health and on issues including deinstitutionalization and homelessness. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 . (Cross-listed with SWK 380 .)
  • SOC 393 - Probation and Parole

    3 credit hours
    Analytical and theoretical examination of probation and parole systems in the United States, with emphasis on the technical aspects of the field of corrections. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 .
  • SOC 401 - Sociology of Aging and the Life Course

    3 credit hours
    Comprehensive examination of aging in contemporary society, with emphases on the theories and social consequences of aging for individuals, groups, and society. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 . (Cross-listed with SWK 401 .)
  • SOC 402 - Sociology of Education

    3 credit hours
    Comprehensive study of education as an institution of enculturation, with emphasis on the relationship of education and other social institutions, schools as experienced by students, and contemporary crisis in education. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 .
  • SOC 411 - Selected Topics in Sociology

    3 credit hours
    Topics vary. Course may be repeated for credit as topic changes. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 .
  • SOC 445 - Sex Roles, Gender, and Culture

    3 credit hours
    Study of sex roles within broader cultural patterns in various societies. Topics include: acquisition of gender, interactional styles, and political/economic consequences of gender differences. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 . (Cross-listed with PSYC 445 .)
  • SOC 480 - Development of Sociological Theory

    3 credit hours
    Origins and development of prominent sociological theories and the contributions of outstanding theorists. Prerequisite(s): SOC 101 .
  • SOC 485 - Senior Seminar in Social Science

    3 credit hours
    This course includes a synthesizing of previous work in history, political science, and sociology, and will demonstrate how that work has contributed to an overall understanding of the social sciences and the relationship among these disciplines. It will involve the presentation and defense of a senior research paper, and will include a general knowledge test on the social sciences. Required of all senior Social Science majors. Spring semester. Senior standing required. Prerequisite(s): 36 hours in the social sciences, or consent of instructor (Cross-listed under History, Political Science, and Sociology.) Education students in secondary social science must take this course with a HIST prefix.
  • SOC 490 - Independent Study in Sociology

    3 credit hours
    May be repeated for a maximum of six credit hours. Consent of instructor required.


  • SPN 101 - Introductory Spanish I

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Emphasis on the development of basic communication skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, through grammatical and verbal drills, systematic vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and conversation.
  • SPN 102 - Introductory Spanish II

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Continued emphasis on the development of basic communication skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, through grammatical and verbal drills, systematic vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and conversation. Prerequisite(s): SPN 101  or equivalent or placement by departmental exam.
  • SPN 103 - Honors Introductory Spanish I

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Emphasis on the development of basic communication skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking, through grammatical and verbal drills, systematic vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and conversation. Students cannot get credit for both SPN 101  and SPN 103. Enrollment in the UM Honors Program required.
  • SPN 104 - Honors Introductory Spanish II

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Continued emphasis on the development of basic communication skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking, through grammatical and verbal drills, systematic vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and conversation. Students cannot get credit for both SPN 104 and SPN 102 . Enrollment in the UM Honors Program required. Prerequisite(s): SPN 103  or equivalent or placement by departmental exam.
  • SPN 150 - Accelerated Introductory Spanish

    6 credit hours
    This course covers the material for SPN 101  and SPN 102  in one semester. Emphasis on the development of basic communication skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, through grammatical and verbal drills, systematic vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and conversation. A minimum of one year of high school Spanish is required to take this course. This course is not intended for true beginners of a language. May not be taken by students who have received credit for either SPN 101 /103  or SPN 102 /104 .
  • SPN 201 - Intermediate Spanish I

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Continued emphasis on the development of basic communication skills, stressing vocabulary, the idiom, and grammar, along with composition and conversation. Readings and discussion explore cross cultural values. Prerequisite(s): SPN 102  or equivalent or placement by departmental exam.
  • SPN 202 - Intermediate Spanish II

    3 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Continuation of SPN 201 . Prerequisite(s): SPN 201  or equivalent or placement by departmental exam.
  • SPN 250 - Accelerated Intermediate Spanish

    6 credit hours
    General Education Course
    Continued emphasis on the development of basic communication skills, stressing vocabulary, the idiom, and grammar, along with composition and conversation. Readings and discussion explore cross-cultural values. May not be taken by students who have credit for either SPN 201  or SPN 202 . Prerequisite(s): SPN 102 /104  or SPN 150  or equivalent or placement by departmental exam.
  • SPN 300 - Directed Independent Study

    1-3 credit hours
    Investigation of assigned subjects, supervised reading, and independent study at the advanced intermediate level. May be repeated for credit if topic is different. Consent of instructor and chair required.
  • SPN 301 - Spanish Conversation

    3 credit hours
    Emphasis on development of speaking fluency. Oral practice highly emphasized. Occasional written exercises. Prerequisite(s): SPN 202  or 250  or placement test scores or consent of instructor.
  • SPN 302 - Grammar and Composition

    3 credit hours
    Emphasis on development of technical command of Spanish through grammar review, vocabulary amplification, and writing exercises. Prerequisite(s): SPN 202  or 250  or placement test scores or consent of instructor.
  • SPN 303 - Phonetics and Phonology

    3 credit hours
    Studies in the phonetics and phonology of Spanish. Emphasis on pronunciation of contemporary Spanish. At the instructor’s discretion, this course may involve studies in linguistic analysis and transcription. Prerequisite(s): SPN 202  or 250  or placement test scores or consent of instructor.
  • SPN 310 - Business Spanish

    3 credit hours
    In this course students will study a variety of texts and exercises related to business Spanish. Emphasis on understanding commercial vocabulary and comprehending authentic texts, as well as the creation of dialogues and oral presentations. Study of aspects of other areas of professional Spanish (social work, law) may be included. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , or consent of instructor.
  • SPN 320 - Latin American Literature in Translation

    3 credit hours
    Studies in Latin-American literature. Topics may include chronicles of conquest, Sor Juana, magical realism, the “boom,” and studies in national literatures (Mexico, Cuba, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, etc.) This course may include the study of basic literary theory. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , or consent of instructor. (May be cross-listed with ENG 320 .)
  • SPN 321 - Spanish Literature in Translation

    3 credit hours
    Studies in Spanish literature. Topics may include Golden Age drama, Cervantes, the picaresque, Garcia Lorca, and contemporary narrative. This course may include the study of basic literary theory. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , or consent of instructor. (May be cross-listed with ENG 320 .)
  • SPN 330 - Introduction to Hispanic Literature

    3 credit hours
    This course introduces students to the literary genres and historical panorama of Hispanic literature. Emphasis on the acquisition of reading skills and analytical tools in drama, poetry, narrative, and essay. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , or consent of instructor.
  • SPN 331 - Survey of Spanish Literature

    3 credit hours
    This course introduces students to the literary genres and historical panorama of Spanish literature. Emphasis on the acquisition of reading skills and analytical tools in drama, poetry, narrative, and essay. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , or consent of instructor.
  • SPN 332 - Survey of Latin-American Literature

    3 credit hours
    This course introduces students to the literary genres and historical panorama of Latin-American literature. Emphasis on the acquisition of reading skills and analytical tools in drama, poetry, narrative, and essay. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , or consent of instructor.
  • SPN 341 - Peninsular Culture and Civilization

    3 credit hours
    This course introduces students to the main historical events, social movements, artistic currents, and philosophical vogues from the beginning of Spanish civilization to the present. The cultural history of Spain will be considered within a national and international context. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301  or 302  or consent of instructor.
  • SPN 342 - Latin-American Culture and Civilization

    3 credit hours
    This course introduces students to the main historical events, social movements, artistic currents, and philosophical vogues from pre-Columbian civilizations to the present. The cultural history of Latin America will be considered within a national and international context. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , or consent of instructor.
  • SPN 343 - U.S. Latino Culture and Civilization

    3 credit hours
    This course introduces students to the main historical events, social movements, artistic currents, and philosophical vogues from the beginnings of U.S. Latino culture to the present. The cultural history of U.S. Latino culture will be considered within a national and international context. Some attention may be given to the rise and development of Latino communities in Alabama. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , or consent of instructor.
  • SPN 344 - Hispanic Cultural Studies and Film

    3 credit hours
    Study of several films within the context of cultural themes such as gender roles, representations of race, depictions of class, and nation-building. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , or consent of instructor.
  • SPN 345 - The Hispanic World Today

    3 credit hours
    A social, political, and economic survey of the present situation and trends of all Spanish-speaking countries, highlighting similarities and differences. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , or consent of instructor.
  • SPN 370 - Special Topics

    3 credit hours
    Investigation of selected topics or themes drawn from culture, history, literature, or the arts. Can be repeated twice for credit if content is different. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , or consent of instructor.
  • SPN 395 - Study Abroad

    6 credit hours
    Immersion in the Spanish language to perfect linguistic and cultural skills. Prerequisite(s): SPN 301 , 302 , or 303 , or consent of instructor.
  • SPN 400 - Directed Independent Study

    1-3 credit hours
    Investigation of assigned subjects, supervised reading, and independent study at the advanced level. Consent of instructor and chair required. Prerequisite(s): At least two classes numbered at SPN 330  or above.
  • SPN 405 - History of the Spanish Language

    3 credit hours
    Study of the history of the Spanish language (syntax, morphology, lexicon, etc.), with an emphasis on the rise and development of Castilian, and its diffusion and transformations beyond the Iberian Peninsula. Prerequisite(s): At least two classes numbered at SPN 330  or above.

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