Nov 26, 2024  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Pre-Professional Programs

Students interested in pre-professional programs leading to post-graduate study in nursing, medicine, dentistry, optometry, veterinary medicine, and pharmacy should refer to the section on Pre-Professional Programs.

Chair of the Health Professions Advisory Committee: Associate Professor Noerager

A wide variety of pre-professional programs may be planned that will fulfill specific requirements for admission to either allopathic or osteopathic medical schools, while allowing students to pursue their individual academic interest. Students should consult the catalogs of particular health-professions schools for specific information on admissions requirements.

Independent of academic advising for their majors, students can be advised regarding their preparation for admission to health-professional school by the Health Professions Advisory Committee in the Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Health-professions advising assignments will be made by Dr. Noerager, based on the professional and educational goals of the student. It is important that all students interested in health-professions careers, regardless of educational majors, contact Dr. Noerager prior to registration for courses, so that programs of study for the health professions can be outlined.

When applying to professional programs, the student may request an evaluation letter from the Health Professions Advisory Committee. This evaluation letter will be based in part on information from two academic recommendation letters, which should be sent to Dr. Noerager, Chair, Health Professions Advisory Committee. The student is responsible for requesting the two recommendation letters and for informing the Advisory Committee to which schools the evaluation letter should be sent.

Pre-Engineering Program

A student entering the pre-engineering program concentrates the first two years on completing basic courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and humanities. At the conclusion of the second year, the student transfers to the engineering school of choice to complete the B.S. degree in engineering. A suggested curriculum follows the curricula for mathematics majors.

Dual-Degree Engineering Programs

UM currently has dual-degree program agreements with the engineering colleges of Auburn University, University of Alabama at Birmingham, and University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa. In three years at UM, a student in one of these programs completes 102 semester hours, which include all of UM’s general education requirements and all course requirements of the B.S. degree in mathematics. After successful completion of those three years, the student transfers to the engineering college of his or her choice. Those universities offer the following areas of concentration:

  • Auburn: aerospace, agricultural, chemical, civil, computer, electrical, industrial, materials, mechanical, or textile;
  • UAB: civil, electrical, materials, or mechanical; and
  • UAT: aerospace, chemical, civil, electrical (computer engineering option available), industrial, mechanical, metallurgical, or computer science.

Upon successful completion of study of a specific engineering curriculum, the student is awarded two degrees: a B.S. in Engineering and a B.S. in Mathematics from UM.

Students interested in a dual-degree program should contact Assistant Professor Hope for details.

Pre-Medicine and Pre-Dentistry

Medical and dental schools emphasize the need for applicants to have a broad general education and in-depth experience in a single discipline. Therefore, most require that the undergraduate program include: one academic year of general biology (BIO 105 , 106 ); one academic year each of inorganic or general chemistry (CHEM 121 , 122 ) and organic chemistry (CHEM 221 , 222 ); English composition (ENG 101 , 102 ) and additional English courses; one semester of precalculus (MATH 150 ); one academic year of physics (PHYS 201  and 202 , or 241  and 242  ); and one academic year in the humanities. Within that context, applicants are urged to select some courses from appropriate areas in science (e.g. BIO 206 , 300 , 307 , 341 , 342 , 410 , 430 , 430 ; CHEM 320 , 370 ), and those areas of the social sciences and humanities that prepare students for the humanistic, behavioral, and socioeconomic aspects of health care. At Montevallo, these ecommendations can be met in several programs of study leading to a variety of majors and minors.

Applications to medical and dental schools should be submitted approximately one year prior to the expected date of enrollment. Most medical schools require the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), which is administered several times a year. Dental schools have the same requirement for their test, the Dental Admission Test (DA). Normally these tests should be taken during the summer after the junior year.


Applicants to an optometric program must have com pleted 90 credit hours prior to matriculation. No more than 60 credit hours earned at a two-year college may be applied toward this requirement, and applicants with a bachelor’s degree are given preferential consideration. The following courses are general prerequisites: BIO 105 , 106 , 300 ; CHEM 121 , 122 , 221 ; ENG 101 , 102 ; MATH 147 , 170 ; PHYS 201  and 202 , or 241  and 242 . All applicants must take the Optometry Admission Test (OAT), submit letters of recommendation, and take part in an interview. Contact the Health Professions Advisory Committee for more information.


Admission requirements differ greatly between the two pharmacy schools in Alabama. In either case, the pre-pharmacy curriculum is a two-year program. Students usually submit an application to the professional school of their choice during the Spring Semester of the sophomore year. Consult the Health Professions Advisory Committee for assistance in planning for the school of your choice.


Students interested in studying nursing should contact the Chair of the Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics