Feb 17, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies and Information


Dr. Mary Beth Armstrong
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Office of Academic Affairs
Calkins Hall
(205) 665-6015

Amanda Tinney Fox, Registrar
Registrar’s Office
Palmer Hall
(205) 665-6040


General Education Core Requirements

All students seeking an undergraduate degree at Montevallo must complete a core curriculum, which includes courses in oral and written communication; literature, humanities and fine arts; the natural sciences and mathematics; history and social and behavioral sciences; and personal development.

Purpose and Goals of General Education

The core curriculum is the most complete embodiment of the University’s mission as Alabama’s publicly funded liberal arts college. In this curriculum, the University bears continually in mind the special meaning of freedom embodied in the term “liberal arts”: the arts that free or enable students to explore the perennial questions that confront every thoughtful human being-questions about nature, human nature and society, and metaphysics. The University provides opportunities to explore these questions through liberal studies in the sciences, literature, the fine arts, history, behavioral and social sciences, and philosophy. The University is committed to liberal inquiry, not only in its core curriculum, but also in its professional and pre-professional programs. In all of these, the University aims to graduate students who can bring to their vocations, their private lives, and their civic participation the habits of lifelong learning and energetic, informed reflection.

Liberal education is possible only if the student has acquired some degree of mastery and understanding of the instruments or skills through which the human mind can absorb information about the world, come to a deepened understanding of that information, and transmit that understanding to others. Accordingly, the University dedicates a substantial portion of the core curriculum to acquiring the skills and symbol systems that, because they make it possible for the mind to grasp what is not apparent to the senses, enable genuine learning.

The University of Montevallo has adopted the Essential Learning Outcomes presented below that have been developed by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) through consultation with hundreds of colleges and universities across the nation.

AAC&U Essential Learning Outcomes

Students should prepare for 21st-century challenges by gaining:

  • Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World
    • through study in the sciences and mathematics, social sciences, humanities, histories, languages, and the art
  • Focused by engagement with big questions, both contemporary and enduring
  • Intellectual and Practical Skills, including
    • Inquiry and analysis
    • Critical and creative thinking
    • Written and oral communication
    • Quantitative literacy
    • Information literacy
    • Teamwork and problem solving

Practiced extensively, across the curriculum, in the context of progressively more challenging problems, projects, and standards for performance

  • Personal and Social Responsibility, including
    • Civic knowledge and engagement-local and global
    • Intercultural knowledge and competence
    • Ethical reasoning and action
    • Foundations and skills for lifelong learning

Anchored through active involvement with diverse communities and real-world challenges

  • Integrative and Applied Learning, including
    • Synthesis and advanced accomplishments across general and specialized studies

Demonstrated through the application of knowledge, skills, and responsibilities to new settings and complex problems.

General Education Requirements-50 Credit Hours

For the most-current list of approved general education (GE) course, refer to the Registrar’s website.

Written Composition (6 Credit Hours)
English Composition I: ENG 101  or 103  
English Composition II: ENG 102  or 104  
Humanities and Fine Arts (18 Credit Hours)
Choose one Literature: ENG 231  or 233 ENG 232  or 234 * (see note below)
Communication: COMS 101  or 102  
Choose one Fine Arts: ART 100 , 218 , 219 MC 100 325 MUS 121  or 122 , 125 , 211 , 255 , 342 THEA 120  or 122  
Choose One Humanity: FRN 101 , 102 , 150 **, 201 , 202 , 250 **; SPN 101  or 103 , 102  or 104 , 150 **, 201 , 202 , 250 **; GER 101 , 102 , 201 , 202 ; PHIL 110  or 111 , 180 , 220  or 221 ,230 , 280 , 290  
Choose two additional Literature, Humanity or Fine Arts courses not used above:
ART 100 , 218 ,219 ; ENG 231  or 233 , 232  or 234 ; FRN 101 , 102 , 150 **, 201 , 202 , 250 **; SPN 101  or 103 , 102  or 104 ,150 **, 201 , 202 , 250 **; GER 101 , 102 , 201 , 202 ; MC 100 325 ; MUS 121  or 122 , 125 211 , 255 , 342 ; PHIL 110  or 111 , 180 , 220 , 221 , 230 , 280 , 290 ; THEA 120  or 122  
Natural Sciences and Mathematics (11 Credit Hours)
Choose two lab sciences. Must be from two different disciplines: BIO 100 , 105 , or 107 106 CHEM 100 , 101 , 102 , 121 , 122 ; ES 100 ; GEOL 110 , 115 ; PHYS 100 , 201 , 241  
Choose one Mathematics: MATH 144 , 147 , 149 , 150 , 154  or 155 , 157 , 170  
History, Social and Behavioral Sciences (12 Credit Hours)
Choose one History: HIST 101 102 103 104 * (see note below)
Choose three additional History, Social and Behavioral Science courses not used above:
EC 231 , 232 ; FCS 291 , 402 ; GEOG 231 ; HIST 101  or 103 , 102  or 104 ; POS 200 , 250 ; PSYC 201  or 202 ; SOC 101  or 102 ; SWK 203 , 260 , 322  
Personal Development (3 Credit Hours)
Choose one of the following: ART 250 , 255 , CS 161 , ED 427 , 447 ; ES 200 ; EXNS 120 ; FCS 281 , MATH 261 MIS 161 ; MUS 228  

*Note regarding the required sequence in Literature or History

Students must complete and earn credit for a six-hour sequence in Literature or History. Students may complete both sequences.

A sequence in Literature consists of ENG 231 and 232. Students in the Honors Program may complete the sequence with ENG 233 and 234.

A sequence in History consists of HIST 101 and 102. Students in the Honors Program may complete the sequence with HIST 103 and 104.

**Note regarding FRN and SPN 150 and 250

FRN/SPN 150 is not intended for true beginners of a language and may not be taken by students have previous credit for FRN/SPN 101, 102, 103, and/or 104.

FRN/SPN 250 may not be taken by students who have previous credit for FRN/SPN 201 and/or 202.

Transfer Courses and General Education

For transfer purposes, courses taken to meet the general studies curriculum requirements approved by the Articulation and General Studies Committee of the State of Alabama (AGSC) will apply to UM general education requirements. The AGSC requirements are degree and program specific; therefore, some courses may not apply if a student changes programs upon or after transferring to the University of Montevallo. Students should consult an academic advisor or the Registrar’s Office concerning substitutions or the applicability of transfer credit in satisfying general education requirements. The AGSC requirements are available at any public accredited post-secondary institution in Alabama, on the UM website (www.montevallo.edu/registrars-office/transfer-credit/stars-2/) or at http://stars.troy.edu/.

Transfer credit from institutions not covered under the AGSC articulation agreements will be evaluated in the Registrar’s Office for application to General Education requirements.

Any petition for a substation or waiver of a General Education Requirement originates with the student’s advisor and must be approved by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Information Literacy Courses

The University of Montevallo is committed to enhancing student learning through an emphasis on improving information literacy skills, defined as the ability to obtain, evaluate, and effectively use information to become responsible, informed scholars and citizens. The integration of information literacy as a focus in both the General Education and major curricula supports the University’s mission. Information literacy instruction is being incorporated into the curriculum through a three-tiered developmental model that introduces information literacy at the foundational level in the General Education program; advances the skills through a designated, required course in each major; and focuses on mastery in a designated, required, upper-level course within each major. More information is found on the University’s Quality Enhancement web page.

Writing Intensive Courses

The University of Montevallo understands that for students to be successful, both in college and in their chosen professions, they need strong written communication skills. To demonstrate the University’s commitment to providing students with these skills, portions of UM’s curriculum are dedicated to the teaching of writing. In UM’s General Education writing courses (English 101  and 102 ), students practice the foundational writing skills they need to enter any major. Then, within each major’s core requirements, Writing Intensive (WI) courses help students hone their writing skills by practicing the kind of writing that is specific to each field of study. At the same time, WI courses also teach students sound writing techniques, such as planning, drafting, revising, and responding to feedback, that are applicable to any field. As students progress through their General Education and WI courses, as well as many other courses at UM that emphasize writing, they will have the opportunity to acquire the writing skills that UM considers vital to a rigorous liberal-arts education.

Currently Identified Writing Intensive (WI) Courses

College of Arts and Sciences

BIO 206 Genetics   
BIO 307 Cell Biology  

CHEM 320 Analytical Chemistry   
CHEM 450 Instrumental Analysis  

Computer Science

ENG 300 Introduction to the Major   
ENG 485 Senior Seminar: A Capstone Course for English Majors  

Environmental Studies

Foreign Languages
FRN /SPN 302  Grammar and Composition
FL 480 Senior Seminar: A Capstone Course for Foreign Language Majors  

HIST 310 Introduction to Historical Study   
HIST 491 Senior Seminar in History  

MATH 310 Foundations of Mathematics   
MATH 470 Real Analysis  

Political Science
POS 455 International Relations   
POS 475 Constitutional Law  

PSYC 340 Cognitive Psychology   
PSYC 499 Senior Seminar in the History of Psychology: A Capstone Experience  

Social Sciences
POS 455 International Relations   
HIST 491 Senior Seminar in History  

Social Work
SWK 350 Generalist Social Work Practice   
SWK 420 Social Work Practice with Communities and Organizations  

SOC 324 Social Stratification   
SOC 480 Development of Sociological Theory  

Speech-Language Pathology
CSD 463 Clinical Observation   
CSD 473 Introduction to Medical Speech-Language Pathology  

College of Business
Accounting, Finance, Management, and Marketing
MG 305 Business Professional Development   
MK 351 Principles of Marketing  

Computer Informatics

College of Education and Human Development
Education of Deaf and Hard of Hearing
EDHH 476 Methods and Materials for Teaching Academic Subjects to DHH Students 
EDHH 482 Assessment: Deaf and Hard of Hearing    

Elementary Education
ED 401 Introduction to Teaching    
ED 448 Methods and Materials for Teaching Science 

Exercise and Nutrition Science
EXNS 211 Motor Development  (for all concentrations except Nutrition and Wellness)
EXNS 310 Sports Nutrition  (for all concentrations)
EXNS 484 Nutrition Care Process II  (for Nutrition and Wellness concentration)

Family and Consumer Sciences
FCS 291 Individual and Family Development   

FCS 402 Dynamics of Family Relationships  

College of Fine Arts
All 300/400-level Art History courses

Communication Studies
COMS 200 Introduction to Communication Research Methods   
COMS 450 Rhetorical Criticism  or
COMS 320 Communication Theory  

Mass Communication
MC 200 Introduction to Mass Media Writing  
MC 265 Broadcast News Writing  or MC 452 Public Relations Writing  

MUS 341 Music History, Baroque/Classical   
MUS 342 Music History, 19th Century to Present  

THEA 270 Directing I   
THEA 300 Play Analysis, Theory and Criticism  

Bulletin Requirements and Enrollment Timeliness

A student’s degree requirements are established by the Bulletin in effect at the time a student enrolls at the University of Montevallo as a degree seeking student. A student who leaves UM and returns within four years may remain under their initial Bulletin. Students returning after an absence of more than four years will be required to change to the Bulletin in effect at the time of their return, unless a waiver is issued by the major department chair.

A student may request to change to a more recent Bulletin (after consultation with their academic advisor) by submitting a Student Program Change form to the Registrar’s Office. Students who change majors may also be required to change to the current Bulletin.

Please note that some programs are recognized by an accrediting organization or designed to assure eligibility for official certification or licensure, such as teaching, social work, or speech pathology. Sometimes accrediting organizations or governmental units will modify their requirements necessary for certification or licensure. Students may be required to change to a more recent Bulletin in order to adhere to all governmental and/or accreditation modifications made during their period of enrollment.

Graduation Requirements

Responsibility for meeting all graduation requirements rests with the student. In addition to the University’s general requirements, colleges and/or departments may have additional graduation requirements as described in the colleges’ information sections of this Bulletin.

A student will not be considered a candidate for graduation unless a graduation application is submitted online to the Registrar’s Office prior to the beginning of the pre-registration period for his or her final regular semester. Instructions for submitting a graduation application are found on the Registrar’s Office website.

The Registrar’s Office will notify undergraduate graduation candidates and their academic advisors of the results of a final degree evaluation, including all remaining requirements for graduation, prior to the final academic advising and registration session. Graduate programs will receive periodic updated lists of applied candidates noting outstanding requirements.

The general course and hour requirements for undergraduate graduation:

  • Completion of the general education core requirements as stated in this bulletin.
  • Credit for at least 120 semester hours. Some programs may require more than 120 hours.
  • Credit for at least 30 of the last 40 semester hours required for degree completion must be earned at UM.
  • Credit for at least 30 semester hours of 300- and/or 400-level study earned at UM.
  • Completion of at least 25 percent of the credit hours required for the degree at UM.
  • Completion of at least 50 percent of the courses required for the major at UM.
  • No more than 64 hours of credit from a two-year institution applied toward the required 120 hours for degree completion.
  • No more than 45 combined semester hours of credit earned through Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE), and Military credit applied toward the required 120 hours for degree completion.
  • Completion of any required senior assessments and a capstone course.

The general GPA requirements for undergraduate graduation are:

  • Cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 for courses required for the major(s).
  • Cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 for courses required for the minor(s), if applicable.
  • Major and minor GPAs are calculated using only the highest grade in each major or minor course.
  • Cumulative institutional GPA of at least 2.0.
  • Cumulative overall GPA of at least 2.0 on all courses attempted, including transfer and transient courses.

Note that the cumulative institutional GPA is the degree or graduating GPA consisting of only coursework completed at UM. Additionally, some programs may require a higher cumulative institutional GPA.

Although students with a financial obligation to the University may be permitted to participate in commencement exercises and have their degree conferred, official transcripts and diplomas will be withheld until all financial obligations to the University are satisfied.


Criteria for Summer Candidates to Participate in Spring Commencement

Undergraduate students who have not completed all graduation requirements by the end of spring term may participate in Spring Commencement if they:

  • have 18 or fewer hours to complete with verified Summer Term enrollment at UM in all remaining requirements (including a completed transient letter, if applicable); and
  • have obtained at least a 2.0 major and cumulative institutional GPA.

Names of all participants will be printed in the program. Therefore, a student may participate in only one commencement ceremony.

After the student completes all degree requirements, their degree will be conferred on the next “degree conferred” date. This date will appear on the student’s diploma and transcript and will correspond to one of the three dates that UM confers degrees (see Academic Calendar). All graduation requirements and financial obligations must be satisfied in order to receive the diploma.

Summer candidates approved to participate in Spring Commencement will walk with preliminary honor designations based on the UM Cumulative GPA at the time of Commencement. Final honors designations will be printed on the diploma and final transcript after completion.

Any exceptions to this policy must originate with the student’s Dean and will require the approval of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.


Specific Degree Requirements

Bachelor of Arts

In addition to the General Education curriculum, students seeking the Bachelor of Arts degree must complete the second year course sequence (201 and 202) in French, German, or Spanish. Languages not offered at the University may be taken through the BACHE program or by one of the options listed below.

Completion of the foreign-language requirement is based on proficiency. Students have the opportunity to take a foreign-language placement exam to determine if they may start their language studies beyond the 101 level. A student whose level of language proficiency makes it possible to bypass one or more lower-level language classes will reduce the number of hours required to complete the language sequence but will not reduce the total number of hours required for graduation. For example, a student who places in FRN 102 as a result of the placement exam will not be required to take FRN 101 but will not receive the credit hours for FRN 101. Information about the placement exam is available from the Department of English and Foreign Languages.

A student is exempt from the foreign language requirement if he or she speaks a language other than English and it was the language in which he or she received instruction in school through at least age 12 (official documentation is required, for example, a school certificate or grade report  for the last school year studied in the foreign country).

International students who are native speakers of a language other than English may fulfill the foreign language requirement with the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or with the International English Language Testing System (IEFTS), provided that it was an admissions requirement and their score was satisfactory for admission to the University of Montevallo.

Native speakers of English who have had formal education at the college level in a foreign language not offered at UM must show official documentation or a College Level Examination Program (CLEP) score that satisfies UM’s foreign language requirement.

Bachelor of Science

Students seeking the Bachelor of Science degree must complete a total of 18 or more credit hours in mathematics and science. This requires an additional 7 hours of mathematics and/or science course work beyond the 11 hours required in the general education core.

Other Undergraduate Degrees

For information about the Bachelor of Business Administration degree, refer to the College of Business section of this Bulletin . For information about the Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Music degrees, refer to the College of Fine Arts section .

Second Bachelor’s Degree Requirements

Students who have previously completed a bachelor’s degree from the University of Montevallo or another regionally accredited institution may pursue a second bachelor’s degree at the University of Montevallo. Students who have completed a bachelor’s degree and are pursuing a second bachelor’s degree of the same type (B.A., B.S., etc.) will be considered as having completed the General Education requirements, unless additional coursework is required*. Students who are pursuing a second bachelor’s degree of a different type may be required by the department offering the degree to complete additional General Education courses.

Students who have formerly earned a bachelor’s degree must meet the below requirements in addition to previously completed coursework. Requirements for the second bachelor’s degree are:

  • completion of at least 50 percent of the courses required for the major at UM
  • completion of at least 25 percent of the credit hours required for a bachelor’s degree at UM
  • completion of at least 30 semester hours at the 300/400 level at UM
  • a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 for courses required for the major(s) and minors(s), if applicable
  • a minimum cumulative overall (including transfer and transient courses) and institutional GPA of 2.0, calculated using all graded attempts of each course attempted

Major and minor GPAs are calculated using only the highest graded attempt in each major or minor course attempted.

Cumulative institutional GPA is the degree or graduating GPA, calculated using only coursework completed at UM.

*Additional coursework to meet standards including, but not limited to, course prerequisites, program accreditation, teacher certification, or graduate program entry may be required. All requirements should be reviewed with the academic advisor.

Upon completion, candidates pursuing a second bachelor degree are eligible for Latin honors, but are not eligible for Superior Academic Achievement.

Double Majors

Students who select two majors must meet the degree requirements of both majors, including the General Education requirements. If the majors are in different degree programs, students will receive two diplomas simultaneously at graduation. The recipients’ names will be listed in the printed commencement program under both degree programs. However, the candidate will cross the stage only once.

Teacher Certification Requirements

Students who intend to earn teacher certification should review requirements with their advisors during their first year at UM. Information regarding teacher education programs is included in the College of Education section of this Bulletin and in the undergraduate Teacher Education Handbook.

Undergraduate Graduation Honors

Latin Honors

Latin honors are awarded upon degree conferral and are designated on the transcript and on the diploma and are based on the following standard:

Cumulative UM GPA Graduation Status
3.5-3.69 cum laude
3.7-3.89 magna cum laude
3.9-4.0 summa cum laude

Superior Academic Achievement

The Superior Academic Achievement honor is awarded by the University of Montevallo to those first bachelor degree graduation candidates who earn the highest institutional GPA for each college. If more than one candidate in a given college should earn the highest institutional GPA, then each will receive the honor. Candidates receiving this honor will be recognized in the commencement program and receive a certificate along with the diploma. The Superior Academic Achievement honor is not noted on the transcript or the diploma.

Second bachelor degree-seeking students and candidates who received academic clemency in Fall 2016 or later are ineligible for this honor.

University Honors Designation

Upon satisfactory completion with an “A” or “B” of 26 semester hours of Honors Program coursework, including the Golson Seminar or thesis, while maintaining a 3.2 or above GPA, students will graduate with “With University Honors” and will be recognized in the commencement program. The distinction is also noted on the diploma and transcript.

Other Undergraduate Honors

Dean’s List

Students who earn at least 12 semester hours and between a 3.5 and a 3.79 GPA during a semester are placed on the Dean’s List for that term. The designation appears on the transcript.

President’s List

Students who earn at least 12 semester hours and a minimum 3.8 GPA during a semester are placed on the President’s List for that term. The designation appears on the transcript.

Academic Regulations and Procedures

Attendance and Absences

In general, course attendance is not open to the public. To attend or participate in a course at the University of Montevallo, one must be admitted and enrolled in the course or, for good cause, be granted permission to sit in on the class as an authorized visitor or guest speaker. Only individuals meeting the above criteria should be allowed in the classroom. 

For the safety and welfare of our students, faculty, and staff, it is important to have a record of all individuals in each classroom. Overall classroom management is vested with the faculty member holding the class; accordingly, faculty may request that any unauthorized individuals exit or not return to the classroom.  In cases of unauthorized classroom attendance, the department chair should be notified and a record of the incident created.

The University expects students to attend all classes for which they are enrolled. Instructors may establish specific regulations governing their classes and will provide them to their students in the course syllabus at the beginning of each semester. (UM Policy 02:300 Student Class Absences)

All policy statements must be on file in the office of the dean, must be approved by the appropriate dean and must allow excused absences for these reasons:

  • Travel considered part of the instructional program of the University and requiring absence from class;
  • Participation in activities directly sponsored by and in the interest of the University; and
  • Extraordinary circumstances, such as pressing legal obligations, authorized by the college dean.

Policies must allow for a reasonable number of absences for these reasons:

  • Illness; and
  • Death or serious illness in the immediate family.

Instructors determine the validity of excuses and are responsible for consistent enforcement of their policies. Students may appeal decisions via established procedures for grievances concerning academic matters.

Academic Advising

Academic Advising at the University of Montevallo empowers students throughout their time at the University to develop an educational plan that supports and coordinates their academic and professional goals. This plan is realized through a collaborative partnership between the student and the advisor.

Students must obtain approval from their advisor in order to register or preregister for courses. A student should meet with the advisor during the preregistration advising period and should consult the advisor prior to any change in classes, prior to a change in major or minor, immediately following any report of unsatisfactory progress, and when considering withdrawal from the University.


The academic advising process at the University seeks to:

  1. Establish open lines of communication regarding students’ goals and academic progress;
  2. Offer career guidance and support to students as they connect to their chosen degree program;
  3. Guide students in the creation of a plan to work toward timely graduation; and
  4. Reaffirm the value of general education and the liberal arts experience.

Student Responsibilities

To ensure a successful advising experience, students are responsible for:

  1. Being familiar with the policies and requirements of the University as outlined in this Bulletin and on the University’s website;
  2. Monitoring their online degree evaluation, degree plan, and/or transfer evaluation so information regarding progress toward a degree is readily available;
  3. Meeting with their advisor at least once each semester to discuss academic and/or professional plans;
  4. Preparing a draft of the upcoming semester’s class schedule prior to the advising meeting that takes into account degree requirements and professional goals;
  5. Informing their advisor prior to any change in classes, prior to a change in major or minor, immediately following any report of unsatisfactory progress, and when considering withdrawal from the University;
  6. Responding to contact from their advisor in a timely manner;
  7. Bringing questions about opportunities such as internships, study abroad, etc., as they relate to the student’s academic plan.

Students are ultimately responsible for planning and implementing their own academic programs, and no legal responsibility rests with the University. The University reserves the right to modify degree requirements, programs of study, and curricula as it deems necessary or appropriate.

Advisor Responsibilities

Students are ultimately responsible for developing and achieving their goals, but an advisor assists by:

  1. Meeting with each advisee every semester to plan for steady progress toward the completion of their degree;
  2. Answering advisees’ questions regarding requirements for the degree program;
  3. Providing mentorship within the discipline;
  4. Providing information about limitations, alternatives, and consequences of academic program decisions; and
  5. Directing each advisee toward appropriate professional support personnel (e.g. career planning, academic support services, and financial aid counseling).

While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of advising, neither the advisor nor the university is responsible for delays in the student’s progress to graduation if the student does not successfully follow the requirements in this Bulletin.

More information is found on the Registrar’s Office web page and the Falcon Success Center’s web page.

Assignment of Academic Advisors

Advisors are assigned by the major department. However, if a student changes majors, a new advisor is assigned by the new major department when the change of major is approved. A student may change advisors within a department by consulting the chair of the department.

Degree Evaluation

Updated degree evaluations for all currently enrolled students are available by accessing Banner Self Services at any time. Instructions for accessing and understanding the online degree evaluation is available on the Registrar’s Office website. The evaluation will display all course work applied toward the requirements for graduation. Students and advisors should check the online degree evaluation at least once a semester to verify progress and outstanding requirements. Any questions concerning degree evaluations should be directed to the student’s academic advisor or the Registrar’s Office.

Academic Clemency

Academic Clemency is designed for former undergraduate students at UM whose GPAs during previous enrollments make it impossible or highly unlikely for them ever to graduate. Academic Clemency offers former students the opportunity to resume their college studies with a realistic possibility of completing an undergraduate degree. Students who were suspended or expelled from UM for academic dishonesty or misconduct are not eligible for Academic Clemency. Academic Clemency may be awarded only once, cannot be awarded retroactively, and cannot be revoked. Established requirements for repeating classes, admission to, or progression in specific academic degree programs take precedence over this policy.

A former student may apply for Academic Clemency to the Dean of the college in which he or she intends to pursue a major if he or she has not been enrolled at any academic institution for at least 36 months and has not previously been granted Academic Clemency at UM. The student must earn a 2.5 GPA or higher in at least 12 hours of degree-applicable course work (approved by the dean) in the first term following readmission to UM in order for Clemency to be applied. Once Clemency has been earned, the following rules apply to the student’s academic record:

  • Degree requirements will be in accordance with those in effect at the time of the student’s readmission.
  • All previous academic work will remain on the student’s transcript with an appropriate notation, but the grades for previous work are not used in computing the UM grade point average. UM courses in which grades of “C” or higher were earned during previous attendance may be applied to graduation requirements. UM courses in which grades of “D” were earned during previous college attendance may not be applied to graduation requirements.
  • No adjustments will be made to previously accepted transfer coursework.
  • After Clemency is granted, the student’s UM GPA will be recalculated beginning with the semester in which the student was readmitted to UM through the Academic Clemency process. The student’s academic standing in previous semesters will not be changed. Policies governing satisfactory academic progress, probation, and suspension will govern eligibility for continued enrollment following readmission.
  • Students who are granted Academic Clemency may not receive undergraduate graduation honors. 

Academic Dishonesty Policy

Students may not give or receive unauthorized aid in completing academic work and meeting academic requirements. Only the faculty member teaching the course can authorize assistance, use of resources, etc. If a student is uncertain about whether conduct would constitute academic dishonesty, it is the responsibility of the student to seek clarification from the faculty member prior to engaging in such conduct.

Penalties for cheating or plagiarism are determined based on the seriousness of the offense and on whether the student has a record of other instances of academic dishonesty. If the academic dishonesty pertains to an assignment in a course, the faculty member teaching the course in which the violation occurred may assign a zero on the assignment or a grade of F in the course. If the violation pertains to a non-course degree requirement (e.g., standardized examination), the student may fail to receive credit for the degree requirement for which the violation occurred. The consequences for the violation of a non-course degree requirement may be imposed by the appropriate department chair or college dean. In addition to these consequences, the faculty member or academic administrator has the right to refer the violation to the Justice Council for possible further sanctions.

The process for resolving charges of academic dishonesty is as follows:

1. The instructor responsible for the course at the time of the incident will complete an Academic Dishonesty Incident Form and inform the student of the charge and provide the student with a copy of the Incident Form as soon as possible but within 5 class days* of the assignment of the grade. The instructor will determine the appropriate grade penalty (a reduced grade on the assignment or for the course). The instructor may further recommend that the Justice Council consider the case for additional sanctions against the student.

2. If the student accepts the grade penalty assigned by the faculty member, the process outlined below is followed.

A. Copies of the incident report are forwarded to the Chair of the department in which the incident occurred, to the Dean of the college, to the Dean of Students, and to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

B. The Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will serve as the central recording center for all Academic Dishonesty Incident Forms. Additionally, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will recommend that the Justice Council consider the case (1) upon instructor recommendation or (2) if the student charged has a record of past violations of academic honesty even though the instructor did not recommend the case for further consideration.

C. If the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs forwards the case to the Justice Council for further consideration under established procedures for disciplinary hearings, the Justice Council may recommend:

  1. suspension for a definite or an indefinite period of time (see Academic Suspension);
  2. expulsion;
  3. additional sanctions as warranted, such as withdrawal of scholarship support;
  4. appropriate notations on the student’s permanent record.

The Justice Council will forward its recommendation to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Upon approval of the Justice Council recommendation, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will implement disciplinary action and notify the student, the student’s advisor, the instructor, the Department Chair, the Deans of the college in which the incident occurred and the college in which the student is enrolled, the Dean of Students, and other appropriate parties (Registrar, Director of Housing and Residence Life, etc.) If the student who has admitted guilt wishes to appeal the additional sanctions recommended by the Justice Council, he/she may submit a formal written appeal to the Provost, whose decision will be final.

If the faculty member does not refer the case but the student wishes to appeal the grade penalty, the student may contact the Student Conduct Officer in the Office of Student Affairs. The student must begin the appeal no later than 5 class days after being notified of the academic dishonesty charge to request that the case be reviewed by the Justice Council. The process outlined below will be followed.

The Chair of the department in which the incident occurred will receive notification of the appeal from the Student Conduct Officer. The Chair will inform the faculty member of the appeal.

The Justice Council will make a determination of the validity of the charge.

A. If the Justice Council fails to find sufficient justification for the charges, it will so inform the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will then inform the student, the instructor, the Department Chair, and the Dean. The instructor will be asked to reassess the assigned grade and will be notified that he or she may be in an untenable legal position if he or she elects not to do so. The faculty member’s reassessment of the academic penalty may or may not result in a different grade depending on the quality of the student’s performance on the assignment(s).

B. If the Justice Council finds that the charges are justified, the Justice Council will notify the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs who will in turn notify the student, the student’s advisor, the instructor, the Department Chair, the Deans of the college in which the incident occurred and the college in which the student is enrolled, the Dean of Students, and other appropriate parties (Registrar, Director of Housing and Residence Life, etc.) of the outcome of the appeal. In the case of a student appeal of a faculty-imposed penalty, the Justice Council may not impose a penalty stronger than the initial one.

Declaration or Change of Major and Minor

Requirements for specific majors and minors are listed under the appropriate department headings in this Bulletin. Courses for the major and minor must be selected in consultation with the academic advisor. A minor is optional except where required for a specific major.

To declare or change a major, students may obtain a Student Program Change Form in any department office or from the Registrar’s Office. The form must be taken to the new department for approval and for assignment of an academic advisor and then to the Registrar’s Office, where the change will be recorded. To change a minor, a student should contact the Registrar’s Office.

Final Grade Appeals

The University of Montevallo respects the right and professional responsibility of faculty members to assign grades based on their professional judgment of student performance.

In the event that a student believes that the final grade assigned in a course is unfair or incorrect, the student should take the following steps:

  1. The student must first confer with the faculty member involved to review his or her academic work and its assessment and attempt to resolve issues informally.
  2. If the student is not satisfied and wishes to continue the appeal, he or she will request a Final Grade Appeal form from the Chair of the department offering the course. This form must be completed and submitted to the department chair within 30 calendar days of the posting of final grades along with an attached written statement of the rationale/basis for the appeal and any supporting materials such as graded work and course syllabus. The written appeal must state clearly the reason(s) for the appeal of the grade and the desired remedy.
  3. The Department Chair will review the documents submitted by the student and will discuss the case with the faculty member who will be given a copy of the written appeal. Within five (5) class days* of receiving the student’s appeal, the Chair will contact the student to schedule an appointment. The Chair’s decision will be rendered at the conclusion of the conference with the student or within five (5) class days* after the meeting. If the Department Chair supports the student’s appeal, the instructor will be asked to reassess the student’s grade.
  4. If the Department Chair does not support the student’s appeal or the Department Chair does support the student’s appeal and the instructor refuses to change the student’s grade, the student may appeal to the Dean of the college offering the course. At the student’s request, the Department Chair will send all materials to the college Dean, who, after discussion with the Chair and the faculty member, will schedule an appointment with the student. The Dean may or may not request that the Chair and faculty member attend the conference. The Dean will render a decision at the conclusion of the conference or within five (5) class days* after the meeting. If the Dean supports the student’s appeal, the instructor will be asked to reassess the student’s grade. The decision to change the grade will remain with the instructor unless the Dean has clear, convincing, and objective evidence that the grade has not been calculated according to criteria communicated to students by the instructor.

*Class Day

A class day is any weekday in which the University is in session during the regular academic year (i.e., fall and spring semesters).

Every effort will be made to address complaints in a timely manner. However, students should be aware that action complaints filed after Spring Commencement may be delayed if the faculty member involved is not available during the summer to respond to the complaint. All appeals should be resolved by the end of the term in which they are filed.

Grades and Grade Point Averages

Grading System

Grades represent the instructor’s assessment of the student’s performance on classroom and laboratory assignments as well as on essays, term papers, class participation and examinations, etc. Grades and grade points are earned and recorded as follows:

Grade Grading Standard Grade Points per Hour
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Satisfactory 2
D Passing 1
F Failing 0
I Incomplete -
IP In Progress -
NC No Credit -
P Pass -
S Satisfactory -
U Unsatisfactory -
W Withdrawn -

Alternative Grading Option for Fall 2020 Only

Due to the disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the University of Montevallo will implement the following alternative grading option for the Fall 2020 semester, as was avalible during the Spring and Summer 2020 semesters.

  • For all courses, faculty will enter the letter grade earned by each student by the final grading deadline of Monday, 5/4/2020, at 10am. The original letter grade will be archived
  • Students may elect to keep one or more letter grades earned (A, B, C, D, P, S, F, NC) and the grades will be calculated into the semester and overall institutional grade point average (GPA). Grades of “P” and “D” or higher will apply to earned hours.
  • Alternatively, students may elect to convert one or more letter grades to the following non-punitive grades:  
    • Pass (P) - replaces earned letter grade of “C” or above. The course will count as credit toward degree requirements but the grade will not factor into the calculation of the student’s term and overall grade point average. A grade of “P” will be displayed on the academic transcript in place of the assigned letter grade.
    • Credit (CR) - replaces earned letter grade of “D”. The course will count as credit toward degree requirements but the grade will not factor into the calculation of the student’s term and overall grade point average.  A grade of “CR” will be displayed on the academic transcript in place of the assigned letter grade. Note: some courses and programs require a grade of “C” or higher and “CR” will not meet that requirement.
    • No Credit (NC) - replaces earned letter grade of “F”. The course will not count as credit toward degree requirements and the grade will not factor into the calculation of the student’s term and overall grade point average. A grade of “NC” will be displayed on the academic transcript in place of the assigned letter grade.
    • Note: Faculty entered grades of U (certain courses only) or NC (ENG 101, 102, 103, 104, MATH 131) are not eligible for conversion as they do not calculate into the semester or overall institution grade point average by default.
  • Students should consult carefully with advisors, chairs, program coordinators, certification officers (TES, VA, athletics, etc.), the Falcon Success Center, and/or the Associate Registrar (for graduation candidates) in order to make the best decisions before requesting grade conversion.
  • If a student chooses to convert one or more letter grades to an alternative grade, an official request must be made with the Registrar’s Office.  A fillable PDF or link to an electronic form will be distributed to students by UM email prior to the end of the Spring Semester. The form or link will also be made available on the Registrar’s Office Resources page in Canvas (located in the Help menu for students).

Incomplete Grades

Grades of I (Incomplete) may be given when students, because of circumstances beyond their control, are unable to complete coursework that is assigned and/or due during the last 15 calendar days (including weekends) of long semesters and/or during the last 5 calendar days (including weekends) of the May and Summer terms. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements to complete remaining requirements.

All incomplete work must be finished by a date determined by the instructor and not later than the conclusion of the next long semester (i.e., for Fall semester incompletes, no later than the last day of the following Spring semester; for Spring semester, May term, and Summer term incompletes, no later than the last day of the following Fall semester). Otherwise, an I grade automatically becomes an F.

In Progress Grades

A grade of IP (In Progress) may be assigned only in designated courses and will be graded upon completion of the coursework. Designated courses may include internships, practicums, clinical, and theses where the expectation is that course requirements will not be concluded within a traditional term.  Designated courses may include more than one enrolled attempt in more than one semester.

Repeating Courses and Grades

Students who want to receive credit for a course failed at UM must repeat the course at UM. The credit hours for every occurrence of the course are used in determining the grade-point average (GPA). Students who want to receive credit for a course graded with an NC may repeat the course at UM or other regionally accredited institution. Students who want to improve a grade(s) of B or lower in a UM course must repeat the course(s) at UM. The credit hours for every occurrence of the course are used in determining the GPA. The credit hours for only one occurrence of a repeated, previously passed course are included in earned hours. See General Graduation Requirements for determining the major or minor GPA.

Grade-Point Averages

The University grades on a 4 point scale. A student’s grade-point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total quality points by the total credit hours attempted for which standard letter grades of A, B, C, D, and F are assigned. Grades of AU, I, IP, NC, P, S, U, and W are not used in the calculation of the GPA.

Sample UM GPA Calculation:

Quality Points: UM Grade points multiplied by credit hours
Grade points are assigned as follows: A = 4; B = 3; C = 2; D = 1; F = 0
GPA Hours: UM Credit hours attempted for which standard letter grades are assigned
GPA: Total UM Quality Points divided by total UM GPA Hours

Credit Hours
Grade Points
GPA Hours
Quality Points
BIO 105
ENG 231
PHIL 220
COMS 101
MATH 144
Term GPA = 2.0

The cumulative institutional (UM) GPA is comprised of all applicable coursework taken at the University of Montevallo. The cumulative overall GPA represents courses transferred from other institutions in addition to coursework taken at UM. All applicable grade-point averages, quality points, and credit hours used to determine the GPA will appear on the academic transcript. Contact the Registrar’s Office for questions related to your GPA.

Other credit awarded and/or accepted

Credit for Military Training and Experience, AP, CLEP, IB, and AICE

The University may grant up to a combined 45 general core and/or general elective cumulative credit and/or advanced standing from Military training and experience, subject examinations of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), subjects completed under the Advanced Placement Program (AP) of the College Entrance Examination Board, subjects completed through the International Baccalaureate (IB), General Certificate of Education (GCE) Diploma Programs. Any credit awarded will be listed on the student’s University transcript as transfer work with a grade of P (Pass) and will calculate in to the cumulative overall earned hours but not the cumulative overall GPA.

Official scores must be received directly from the College Board, International Baccalaureate, and/or General Certificate of Education examination boards before credit will be reviewed and awarded. Scores will be reviewed upon acceptance to the University and for purposes of admission into the UM Honors Program. The Registrar’s Office, in consultation with the appropriate department chair, reviews and determines awarded credit after the completion of the fall semester of the student’s senior year of high school. Inquiries should be directed to the Office of Admissions. Minimum accepted scores required for credit are found on the Registrar’s Office webpage.

The University will award general core and/or general elective credit for Military experience and training based on American Council on Education (ACE) recommendations for lower and upper level of baccalaureate curricula. The University reserves the right to accept ACE recommendations as a guideline, but retains responsibility for ensuring the learning outcomes of the military training credits accepted are comparable to those of courses taught by the University. Official transcript(s) must be received directly from the Joint Services Transcript, Community College of the Air Force, and/or Air University before credit will be reviewed and awarded. The Registrar’s Office reviews and determines awarded credit, in consultation with the appropriate department chair, if needed. Inquiries should be directed to the Registrar’s Office.

Transient Courses

A student must receive approval from the academic advisor, and the Registrar to register for courses at another college or university. All courses taken as a transient student will be included on the student’s official transcript as transfer credit and will calculate into the cumulative overall earned hours and GPA. For more information, see the Registrar’s Office web page.

Transfer Courses

Previous undergraduate college coursework will not be considered for transfer credit from any postsecondary institutions that do not offer the baccalaureate or associate degree leading to the baccalaureate degree and are not fully accredited by one of the six regional accrediting associations.

All applicable transfer work will be posted to the student’s University of Montevallo transcript. The Registrar’s Office reviews and determines appropriate credit and articulation of applicable transfer work, in consultation with the appropriate department when needed. All courses accepted will be included on the student’s official transcript as transfer credit and will calculate into the cumulative overall earned hours and GPA.

No more than 64 semester credit hours from a community or junior college may be applied toward UM degree requirements.

Students currently on academic suspension may not transfer coursework taken during their suspension.

Non-Academic Credit

The University of Montevallo does not award academic credit for non-academic pursuits such as continuing education courses, “life experience,” or any other course work taken on a non-credit basis.

Academic Progress

Class Standing

Undergraduate students are classified according to the number of hours earned at the undergraduate level, including institutional and transfer hours:

Freshman 0-29 cumulative earned hours
Sophomore 30-59 cumulative earned hours
Junior 60-89 cumulative earned hours
Senior 90 or above cumulative earned hours

A student pursuing a second bachelor degree will be considered a senior for registration purposes.

Good Standing

Students must maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative University of Montevallo grade-point average (UM GPA) to remain on academic good standing.

Maintaining Minimum Academic Progress

A student is expected to achieve consistent progress toward the attainment of a University degree. Earning the following minimum cumulative UM GPA based on total accumulated GPA hours is considered minimum academic progress:

0-29 GPA hours*, 1.5 UM GPA
30-59 GPA hours*, 1.7 UM GPA
60-89 GPA hours*, 1.9 UM GPA
90+ GPA hours*, 2.0 UM GPA
*includes transfer hours

Academic Warning

At the end of each semester, a student will be placed on Academic Warning when his or her cumulative UM GPA is below 2.0 but above the appropriate minimum academic progress standard as defined previously. A student may be removed from Academic Warning only by attaining a minimum 2.0 cumulative UM GPA. Academic Warning will be noted on the student’s academic transcript. Academic Warning does not restrict registration for a subsequent term.

Freshman Academic Warning

A first-time freshman will be placed on Freshman Academic Warning for one regular semester if his or her cumulative UM GPA is below 2.0. First-time freshmen are students with fewer than 30 earned hours with no prior enrollment at a post-secondary institution at the undergraduate level. This includes students enrolled at UM during the fall semester who first attended college during the prior summer term, as well as students who entered UM with college-level credit earned prior to graduating from high school.

Freshman Academic Warning will be noted on the student’s academic transcript. Freshman Academic Warning does not restrict registration for a subsequent term. Students placed on Freshman Academic Warning are urged to schedule an appointment with their advisor to review academic progress prior to the first day of classes in the subsequent term.

Academic Suspension

A student may not attend the University during the period of his or her suspension. Students should be aware that once they are placed on suspension from the University, they are no longer making satisfactory academic progress as required for continued receipt of financial aid. Students petitioning for reinstatement to the University under the procedure outlined in the following must apply separately to the Office of Student Financial Services in order to regain financial aid. A student may not transfer to the University any credits earned at another college or university while on suspension.

Academic suspension typically results from a student’s failure to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress; however, it is also possible for a student to be suspended as a result of academic dishonesty (see policy on Academic Dishonesty).

Students returning from suspension, continuing on suspension, or successfully petitioned to continue are required to meet with the Falcon Success Center no later than two weeks into the regular semester in which they return or continue to develop a success plan. Success plans will be created with input from the student, FSC staff, faculty advisor, and department chair, Dean, or College Reinstatement Committee (depending on reinstatement process). Progress of plan will be considered for additional petitions (second, indefinite) if needed.

First-time freshmen may be placed on Freshman Academic Warning but are not subject to suspension for failure to meet minimum standards for academic progress until the end of their second regular semester at UM. Freshmen may, however, be suspended as a result of academic dishonesty. All other students are subject to suspension at the end of any regular semester when they fail to meet minimum standards for academic progress or may be suspended as a result of academic dishonesty.

First Suspension

A student who does not maintain minimum academic progress, as defined previously, will be suspended from study for one regular semester, and the suspension will be noted on the student’s official transcript. A student placed on First Suspension at the end of the spring semester may attend the summer term at UM in an attempt to improve his or her GPA. If summer enrollment results in the student meeting minimum academic progress standards, the student will be permitted to enroll for the fall semester.

A student may also petition the Department Chair for his/her major to be allowed to continue enrollment in the next regular semester through the reinstatement review process. For a student who has not declared a major or who has more than one major, the Provost will determine the appropriate party to consider reinstatement.

If the student’s reinstatement petition is denied or the student does not meet standards for minimum academic progress through courses completed during the summer term at UM, the student will not be permitted to enroll in the next regular semester.

Students allowed to continue enrollment or returning from the one suspended semester will be required to earn a semester UM GPA of 2.0 or higher on 12 or 13 semester hours (unless the Dean approves a reduced number of hours) in order to continue enrollment. The student will then be required to meet the minimum standards for academic progress in subsequent semesters.

Second Suspension

A student who returns from his or her first academic suspension and does not earn a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher on the required number of semester hours or who in a future semester fails to meet minimum standards for academic progress will be suspended for two regular semesters. A student placed on Second Suspension at the end of the spring semester will be allowed to enroll in the summer semester. If summer enrollment results in the student meeting the minimum academic progress standards, the student will be permitted to enroll for the fall semester.

A student may also petition the Reinstatement Committee in his or her college to be allowed to continue enrollment in the next regular semester. For a student who has not declared a major or who has more than one major, the Provost will identify the Reinstatement Committee.

If the student’s reinstatement petition is denied or the student does not meet standards for minimum academic progress through courses completed during the summer term at UM, the student will not be permitted to enroll for the next two regular semesters.

Students allowed to continue enrollment or returning from the two suspended semesters will be required to earn a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher on 12 or 13 semester hours (unless the Dean approves a reduced number of hours) in the next regular semester in order to continue enrollment. The student will then be required to meet the minimum standards for academic progress in subsequent semesters.

Indefinite Suspension

A student who returns from his or her second academic suspension and does not earn a semester UM GPA of 2.0 or higher on the required number of semester hours or who in a future semester fails to meet minimum standards for academic progress will be placed on Indefinite Suspension and may not enroll in any term (including summer). An appeal will not be considered by the College Reinstatement Committee until the student has been out of school for a minimum of two regular semesters.

Reinstatement Petition Process

First Suspension-Appeal to Department Chair

The student must make an appointment to meet with the appropriate Department Chair to present his/her case for reinstatement no later than three (3) weekdays prior to the beginning of a regular semester. If the Department Chair denies the request, the student may appeal to the Dean. The decision of the Dean is final and will be communicated to the Registrar, the Office of Student Financial Services, Housing, and other administrative offices as appropriate.

Second Suspension-Appeal to College Reinstatement Committee

The procedure for applying for reinstatement is as follows:

  1. The student must complete a reinstatement petition, available from the Registrar’s Office, and submit it to the Reinstatement Committee of the college from which he or she was suspended no later than four (4) weekdays prior to the beginning of a regular semester.
  2. The Reinstatement Committee (see following description) will review the student’s petition and may require a meeting with the student. The Committee may approve the petition, may approve the petition with stipulations, or may disapprove the petition. Stipulations may include limiting the number of courses the student may take or specifying the GPA the student must earn in the next semester.
  3. If the Reinstatement Committee denies the student’s petition, the student may appeal in writing to the college Dean. The decision of the dean will be final. The student may not appeal a positive decision.
  4. The final decision of the Reinstatement Committee or Dean will be communicated to the Registrar, the Office of Student Financial Services, Housing, and other administrative offices as appropriate.

Reinstatement Committee

Each college Dean will appoint a Reinstatement Committee that will be charged with reviewing petitions submitted by students pursuing majors offered by the college for academic reinstatement following a second or indefinite suspension. The Reinstatement Committee will have three members (usually department chairs).

Special Conditions Policy

Students who are not in good academic standing may not be eligible to participate in certain extracurricular activities. If a student is ineligible for participation in an extracurricular activity due to not being in good academic standing, the student may submit a written appeal to the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students (or designee) will consult with the student’s academic advisor, the student’s professors for the most recent term, and the faculty/staff representative (if applicable) for the student group. After consultation, the Dean of Students (or designee) will then render a decision on the student’s eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities. The decision is final.


Academic Year and Semester 

The University operates on the semester calendar. The academic calendar is divided into Fall (16 weeks), Spring (16 weeks), and Summer (13-14 weeks) Semesters. Further, the Summer Semester includes five sessions or parts-of-term: Full Summer (13-14 weeks), May (3 weeks), Summer I (4-5 weeks), Summer II (4-5 weeks), and Combined Summer I and II (8-10 weeks). 

All semester beginning and end dates as well as other important dates and deadlines are listed in the University and Academic Calendars available on the University’s website

Credit Hour

The University operates on the semester credit system using the standard Carnegie unit of 750 minutes of instruction per credit hour. Therefore, a standard one-credit course consists of a minimum of 750 minutes of instruction and a three-credit course 2250 minutes of instruction, including the final exam period. Courses delivered in hybrid or online format ensure equivalent learning outcomes.

Consistent with the federal definition of a credit hour, it is acceptable to replace sessions of equivalent instruction and-/-or examination with alternative forms of coursework (e.g., laboratory work, practicums, out-of-class assignments and projects, assigned readings, problem sets, discussion questions, service learning experiences, a “capstone” project, etc.).

New Student Orientation and Evaluation

The University provides freshmen and transfer students a program of orientation, advising, and academic counseling prior to enrollment. The program provides students with an opportunity to better understand academic requirements and degree programs; to consider personal abilities, interests, and talents; and to become familiar with the campus and facilities.

New students are expected to participate in an orientation session prior to beginning classes. Students entering Montevallo during a Summer Session or during the Spring Semester attend one-day registration/orientation sessions. Fall Semester transfer students attend a one-day preregistration/orientation session offered during the summer. Fall Semester freshmen attend a one-day preregistration session during the summer and return to campus for Welcome Weekend immediately prior to the beginning of Fall Semester classes. An orientation fee is required of all new students.

Preregistration for Currently Enrolled Students

Currently enrolled students must obtain approval from their advisor in order to register or preregister for courses. A student should meet with the advisor during the preregistration advising period and should consult the advisor prior to any change in classes, prior to a change in major or minor, immediately following any report of unsatisfactory progress, and when considering withdrawal from Montevallo.

Preregistration dates are listed in the University Calendar and Academic Calendar available on the University’s webpage. Registration procedures, dates, and other important registration information are available on the Registrar’s website each semester prior to academic advising. The schedule of classes is also available on the Registrar’s website and through Banner Self Services.

Each semester, current students may preregister for the subsequent semester. Students who pre-register and pay by the required date do not have to participate in regular registration. Schedules of students who do not submit payment by the payment deadline may be dropped.

Students also participate in one or more evaluative activities:

  • as freshmen, as part of the orientation process;
  • as seniors, as a required part of the preparation for graduation; and
  • at other times during the college career, as deemed appropriate by the University.

GPA Requirements for Course Overloads

A new student may not take more than 19 hours during his or her first regular semester. A continuing student who wishes to take more than 19 hours, but no more than 22 hours, must have a UM GPA of at least 3.0 and must have earned a GPA of at least 3.0 in the previous semester on a minimum of 12 semester hours. A transfer student who wishes to take more than 19 hours, but no more than 22 hours, must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. Exceptions to the required GPA must be approved by the department chair for the student’s major.

The maximum load allowed in May is four hours. The maximum load allowed in each session of the summer semester is seven hours. Any exception must be approved by the department chair for the student’s major.

BACHE Course Enrollment

The Birmingham Area Consortium for Higher Education (BACHE) provides a Cooperative Course Exchange Program. This program allows UM student to enroll in up to one course a semester at a participating institutions. Any UM student interested in participating should contact the Registrar’s Office. More information is available on the BACHE web page. General guidelines follow.

  • In order to participate in the Cooperative Course Exchange Program, individuals must be full time, regularly admitted, degree-seeking undergraduate students at a member institution.
  • Only undergraduate courses can be taken through the Cooperative Course Exchange agreement.
  • Unless circumstances of a specific and justifiable nature warrant otherwise, students are limited to taking one course per academic term through the cooperative arrangement.  Any exceptions to this principle will require the approval of the chief academic officer of the Home institution or his or her designated representative.
  • Enrollment in classes at a Host institution is to be on a space-available basis.
  • Enrollment in a specific class gives a student access only to those facilities at the Host institution needed to complete the requirements of that class.
  • There will be no additional cost to students participating in the Cooperative Course Exchange Program except for associated laboratory or other special fees.
  • Students will observe all regulations in effect at the Host institution during the term in which they are enrolled including, but not limited to, adherence to honor codes, attendance policies, calendar deadlines and procedures for withdrawing from classes.

Independent Study

Advanced students, with the approval of the instructing faculty member, department chair, and dean, may be afforded the opportunity to conduct under the guidance of a faculty member an independent study on a topic not covered in depth in other courses. Independent study courses are intended primarily for juniors and seniors whose academic performance indicates the ability to succeed in a less closely directed experience than a typical class offers. With the exception of extraordinary circumstances, a student may not take a regularly scheduled course on an independent study basis nor can general education credits be earned through independent study courses. The independent study must involve a significant body of work that is clearly academic in nature and that is assigned a grade by the instructor. The instructor will develop an independent study syllabus that specifies the work the student is expected to complete, the frequency of meetings between the instructor and the student, and how the student’s grade will be determined. Published academic calendar deadlines and the established grading system apply to independent studies.

Auditing Courses

Students may audit courses (i.e., without receiving grades or credit) on a space-available basis. Auditing students must register in the Registrar’s Office during the official late-registration period only. Students taking courses for credit may not change credit to audit after the drop/add period ends.

Cancellation of Courses

The University reserves the right to cancel any course. The decision is made by the dean of the college in which the course is offered.

Drop/Add and Withdrawal Policies

Dropping and Adding courses during the allowable period

During the drop/add period (the first week of a Fall or Spring semester, the first day of May term, and the first two days of Summer I or Summer II), a student may add a class without the professor’s permission, and a student may drop a course (without incurring a grade of W) either through his or her Banner Self Services account or in the Registrar’s Office. A course that is dropped during the drop/add period will be deleted from the student’s transcript. The student must initiate the drop process; failure to attend class does not constitute a formal drop. See the University Calendar  for specific dates and the University refund policy for details regarding tuition and fees associated with dropping a class in this time frame.

Course Withdrawal after the Drop/Add period

After the drop/add period, a student may add a course only with the written approval of the professor, department chair, and college dean. If a student wishes to withdraw from a course after the drop/add period and receive a grade of W (withdrawn), she/he must do so by the final withdrawal date shown in the University Calendar  either through Banner Self Services or in the Registrar’s Office. The course withdrawal period ends at midnight on the date specified in the University Calendar, approximately 60 percent through the academic term. A grade of W does not affect the student’s GPA. The student must initiate the course withdrawal process; failure to attend class does not constitute a formal course withdrawal.

After the course withdrawal period ends, a student may not withdraw from a course except in the most extenuating circumstances. Students should note that this policy typically applies only to situations that justify late withdrawal from all courses in which the student is enrolled, not to late withdrawal from one course. See the Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances policy. Failure to adhere to the published course withdrawal deadline in the University Calendar does not qualify as an extenuating circumstance under this policy.

A student who is withdrawing from the final course in which she/he is enrolled in a given term must submit to the Registrar’s Office a withdrawal form signed by the Student Aid Office.

Please note that the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Department of Defense may require partial repayment if a student using veteran educational benefits withdraws from a course after the drop/add period. Students using veteran educational benefits who are considering a schedule change after the drop/add period should see the UM School Certifying Official. There may also be consequences for other student groups such as athletes or international students. Athletes must have approval from UM’s Athletics Compliance Officer. International students must have approval from the Registrar’s Office.

Course Withdrawal for Non-Attendance

In order to comply with Federal Regulations pertaining to the proper disbursement of financial aid, students are administratively withdrawn from classes which they have “never attended” as reported by instructors. Registration adjustments are made soon after the beginning of each term so that student financial accounts are updated in a timely manner. A student who attends or participates in a class for any length of time cannot be withdrawn from that class for having never attended.

Instructors are required to submit a date of last attendance for a student who receives a failing grade (F or NC) at the conclusion of each term. These dates may be used for the purpose of adjusting student financial accounts in order to ensure compliance with financial aid regulations.

Students are ultimately responsible for their class schedules and for completing the withdrawal process within the established deadlines. No course withdrawals for non-attendance will be processed after the conclusion of the term.

Withdrawal from the Semester

Students intending to withdraw from the semester prior to the withdrawal deadline must submit to the Registrar’s Office a withdrawal form signed by the Student Aid Office. If the student is receiving financial aid, the Student Aid Office will determine the effect the withdrawal may have on their aid. Students residing on campus should notify the Office of Housing and Residence Life of their intent to withdraw and must check out of the residence hall within 24 hours of withdrawal. Completion of these procedures results in official withdrawal from the semester, and a grade of W is recorded for each course. Courses will not appear on the student’s transcript if the withdrawal is completed prior to the conclusion of the add/drop period. Students may not withdraw from the semester after the term withdrawal deadline, which is published in the University Calendar, unless they are approved for a Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances (see Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances). Students who do not adhere to the withdrawal procedures will receive the appropriate grade(s) posted by faculty to the academic record at the conclusion of the term. For more information see the Registrar’s Office web page.

Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances

In the case of prolonged illness, debilitating accident, family emergency, or comparably serious personal situations that occur after the withdrawal deadline and that are beyond a student’s control, the student may request a withdrawal for extenuating circumstances. A student seeking a withdrawal for extenuating circumstances must withdraw from all courses for that term; a partial withdrawal for extenuating circumstances will typically not be approved. If a withdrawal for extenuating circumstances is granted, the student will receive a W for any course in which he/she is enrolled with a special notation on the transcript denoting extenuating circumstances.


The student must complete the Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances form located on the Registrar’s web page, indicating last date of class attendance, and submit the form, along with an explanation of how the situation prevents completion of the term and documentation of the circumstances (medical documentation for student or immediate family member for whom the student is responsible, death certificate of family member, etc.). All required paperwork should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office in Palmer Hall as soon as possible but no later than 30 days following the end of the term for which the student is seeking a withdrawal for extenuating circumstances.

Academic and Financial Considerations

If a student receives a Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances, a grade of W will be assigned for each course in which the student is enrolled.

Financial considerations and academic standing should be taken into account prior to requesting a withdrawal for extenuating circumstances. Withdrawal from college may affect a student’s eligibility for health insurance coverage under a parent’s policy. Students should be aware that they must demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) in order to avoid academic suspension and to continue to be eligible to receive financial aid. Low grades or excessive withdrawals may affect a student’s continued enrollment at UM or the student’s ability to receive financial aid in the future. See Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Military Leave/Withdrawal

The University of Montevallo is committed to supporting service men and women of the United States and the State of Alabama. Military students may apply for a Late Start or a Military Leave of Absence (MLOA) from the University if they are called to duty and must withdraw from the semester, leave prior to the end of the term, attend training during the semester or miss the beginning of the semester due to military orders. Details are available from the Coordinator of Veterans and Military Affairs.


Transcript of Academic Record

The transcript is a student’s official permanent academic record. The handling of transcripts and the retention and disposal of student records are in accordance with the guidelines of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers and the requirements of the Alabama University General Records Schedules.

Final grades for each term are reported to students through Self Service. A printed copy of grades is available at no charge for currently enrolled students from the Registrar’s Office. Students who are not enrolled but who have fulfilled their financial obligations to the University may obtain their transcripts by requesting an official transcript through the University’s website. Transcript ordering instructions are found on the Registrar’s Office website. Transcript fees apply.

Confidentiality of Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are as follows:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access.

Students should submit to the Registrar written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.

  1. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Students should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.

If the University decides not to amend the records requested by the student, the University will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

  1. The right to provide written consent before the University discloses personally identifiable information from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

One exception which permits disclosure without a student’s prior written consent involves to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A “school official” is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted who performs an institutional service or function (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee; or a student employee assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.

A school official has a “legitimate educational interest” if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for the University.

The University may release without consent the following directory information: name, address, e-mail address, telephone numbers, major fields of study, date of birth, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of student-athletes, most-recent educational institution attended, number of current hours in which the student is enrolled, student enrollment status (i.e. full or part-time), degrees and graduation dates, anticipated degrees and graduation dates, classification (i.e. freshman, sophomore, etc.), awards and honors, dates of attendance, and class schedule, (this latter only by the Police Chief or a designee). Students wishing to withhold directory information must fill out a “Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information” form, which may be obtained in the Registrar’s Office.

  1. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University of Montevallo to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

    Family Policy Compliance Office
    U.S. Department of Education
    600 Independence Avenue, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20202-4605

Any complaints or questions should be addressed to the Registrar, Registrar’s Office, Palmer Hall, (205) 665-6040, registrar@montevallo.edu. There is also a link to the University’s FERPA policy online at www.montevallo.edu/registrars-office/ferpa/.

Curriculum Definitions (Undergraduate)

The following is a list of definitions used across the campus of the University of Montevallo.

Degrees and Certificates

Bachelor’s Degree (B.A., B.B.A., B.F.A., B.M., B.S.)

An undergraduate award that normally requires the completion of an academic program of at least four but not more than five academic years of full-time equivalent college work. Bachelor degree programs require a minimum of 120 semester hours for completion of which 25% must be completed at UM.

Certificate, Undergraduate

A formal award certifying the satisfactory completion of a topically linked group of courses. Courses may be either from a single field or across disciplinary boundaries. Undergraduate certificates at the University are earned along with a degree-seeking program, often upon completing a prescribed minor course of study, and will require at least 12 semester hours of course work.


Program of Instruction (Program)

An organized set of courses and related activities for which, upon satisfactory completion, a degree or certificate is awarded.

Major Field of Study (Major)

A major is a primary area of an academic program consisting of a specified group of courses in a specialized academic study, discipline, or field. An undergraduate major field of study should include a minimum of 30 hours, either from a single field or an approved interdisciplinary study. Majors with concentration or track options must include a common core among the concentrations, typically equal to at least 50% of the major requirements. . Typically, at least 50% of the hours required in the major program of study are at the 300 and/or 400 level. Majors may include an embedded undergraduate certificate.

Minor Field of Study (Minor)

A minor is a secondary area of a specialized academic study, discipline, or field usually consisting of 15-21 semester hours with the exception of a foreign language minor, which may consist of 12 hours at the upper level. Students may not minor in the same area as their major. Additionally, departments may limit some majors from declaring minors that are non-exclusive in content. At least 50% of the hours required for the minor should be exclusive (not also applied to a major or another minor) with a significate number of hours at the 300/400 level. Minors may include an embedded undergraduate certificate.


A Concentration is a specified group of courses within a major designed to give a student specific specialization knowledge within the major. Not all majors have concentrations. Some majors will contain two or more concentrations from which a student must choose and formally declare. Concentrations are listed along with the program on the academic transcript. Majors with concentrations must include a common core, usually consisting of at least 50% of the major requirements.  Concentrations consist of at least 15 hours and may include an embedded undergraduate certificate.

Option, Focus, Track, or Emphasis

A specified group of courses within a major or concentration which is not formally declared by the student. These differ from concentrations in that they are an extension of the advising process and serve as recommendations, assisting students in choosing courses based on interest, occupation, or graduate school requirements. These curriculum items may include an embedded certificate.